Referee-Inactive - Training 4.18

It's raining, men ...

On Wednesday Neil was working and Paul text me to say that he wasn't sure he wanted to train because of the rain. My response was that he would have to referee in the rain, as I used to do, so he really should train. That was before I heard the rain bouncing off the conservatory roof and realised it seemed to be getting dark earlier than usual. I text him back to agree and we said we'd pick things up on Friday (today). Within half an hour Paul pointed out that the rain had stopped but by that time I had eaten a rather large salad and pasta dish from the local supermarket, so I passed up the opportunity.

So today I got a text this afternoon from Paul telling me that he had a lot to do before going on holiday tomorrow. I got nothing from Neil (which isn't a surprise as I haven't got his number and doubt he has mine) so it was time to train alone ... on Friday ... again.

I needed a good hard work out to make up for skipping Wednesday as it's less than 7 weeks to my holiday. The only problem was that I developed a lump on my big toe that was sore. I tried poking it and prodding it, which only made it worse, so resorted to sticking a plaster across it. It stopped my shoe rubbing but didn't stop the stitching inside my trainer from catching it ... ouch!

I started my warm up and did my shuttles and the pain in my toe flared up and then began to subside ... phew! I set off with the intention of running for 6 minutes, walking for 3, running for 4 minutes, walking for 2 minutes, running for 2 minutes, walking for 1 minute and then working my way back up through the levels again. After 2 minutes, I hit the hill and decided I would run for 2 minutes and walk for 1 minute. I did this 4 times and then had a 2 minute rest before repeating the whole exercise 2 more times.

I found I was able to sustain my pace much better than the last time I did this exercise and running, even up the hill, was much easier. I got a bit of shock when I checked my heart rate monitor and found my heart rate had shot up to 108% of max (it actually hit 113%) but it was steady and my breathing was regular so I wasn't concerned.

I finished off covering the same distance on my third set as I did on the first set meaning my work rate was consistent. I was also getting my breathing back under control during each rest period, so I'm happy with my work out (even allowing for the blip). I took my time over my warm down and stretches before heading home.

Calories 986, average heart rate 82%, 35% of time in hard intensity and 13% in maximum intensity - good work out

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