Referee Inactive - Pay attention!

It seems that my retirement from refereeing has gone unnoticed in one corner of the world as I got a phone call tonight asking me to referee a pre-season game for a local side. I retired in December 2009!

The Secretary of the club was talking to me only a few weeks ago about how it was to be retired from the green stuff, as he is just about done with playing. His phone call came in near the start of the first Sunday League meeting of the new season. He should have been at the meeting so I politely declined his request and suggested he put in an appearance - he did and it saved him £20!

Preparations for the new season have gone reasonably well with the fixtures prepared through to the end of the season. Last night saw me make a brief appearance as a guest speaker at the local Referee's Association presenting the law changes for the forthcoming season. Nice to get back in the swing!

I'm now off duty for a weekend before getting in a couple of assessments before a longer break for my daughter's wedding in Rhodes on September 16. Can't wait!

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