Referee Inactive - It's been the longest week

If a week can be a long time in politics it can be even longer in football during the winter months. Teams at and around my level of football have games postponed and the old saying that the devil finds work for idle hands springs to mind. For some this can mean tinkering with their team, others it means tinkering with the management and even for referees, the lack of games can result in them getting involved in discussions they should leave well alone.

Fortunately for me it has been an extremely busy week with more in prospect. Last Saturday I travelled to Doncaster for a Supply League assessment and watched an exciting game between two teams at opposite ends of the league. The result went the way of the visitors who consolidated their position as 2nd in the League, while the home team were left to reflect on another afternoon's honest endeavour with little to show for it.

Sunday was the opening day of the latest Basic Course for New Referees at West Riding County FA. 26 new candidates aged 14-62 braved some bitterly cold temperatures to go through their paces in a range of practical exercises we have put together to help them prepare for their first games as qualified referees. Training for new referees has much improved since I did my course back in 2000 in a working men's club over a period of weeks. Now the candidates get a training pack before the course to help them study the laws and we develop their practical application of the laws. We usually have a lot more fun, but the temperatures last week took the edge off. Hopefully the second day (tomorrow) will be a little more hospitable!

When I got back from the course, my daughter who was expecting her first child, appeared to be in some discomfort so her mum took her to the hospital and a few hours later I became a grandad. I didn't expect to feel any different but my little grandson has made me a little more resolute to face the challenges the world throws my way and I certainly have had a few of those this week at work!

Monday/Tuesday evening found me hunched over the keyboard typing up the assessments from the game on Saturday. Referees often ask me what I am looking for when I come to assess them. The answer is always the same - get the big things right, get the little things right, apply the mandatory sanctions and the rest is just a matter of opinion. One of the worst things a referee can do is to think everything will be OK if he doesn't take the action necessary but everyone expects it. Last Saturday's referee didn't shirk his responsibilities but missed out on a few things which needed looking at.

Wednesday/Thursday meant time to get on with preparing the assessment papers for the new referees course. Although the practical running around and indoor sessions are fun, if the paperwork doesn't get done, then just as in their later career, their efforts will have been for nothing. So 26 assessment papers prepared and the marks earned from the practical exercises have been documented as well as those from our in-course tests. The marks are good, so we could have a good retention rate on these new referees as they seem keen.

Friday was time for feet up but not before I had to adjust my plans for today. The ground I was supposed to visit today for another Supply League assessment was vandalised a few weeks ago and the pipes which fed the showers were stolen. Despite the best efforts of the club the repairs haven't been completed in time.

With the weather being so cold, I already knew there was a possibility that the field would be unfit at my original game, so I had offered to go on standby for another game, but that has been frozen off now. So my trip along the A63 was cancelled last night in favour of one up the A61, but that has fallen victim to the weather as well. It would have been a very sad visit anyway as it came so soon after the death of the club's president. Bill was always very welcoming when I visited the club. Rest in peace Bill Ellis.

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