The Ref Stop

Red or Pen ?

I think it's a scenario where it's down to the referee on that day and that moment to decide
The Ref Stop
Surely there should be an advantage to the attacker...the defender has deliberately picked the ball up before you have blown for the whistle, so even though no real advantage has occurred, an offence has still took place after the original DOGSO ... It's a tough one to call and is a situation where you have to use your common sense in order to preserve a good mood in the game which for me would I say...penalty and double caution
Your right about common sense but surely it would be red for DOGSO, and a DFK. The defender has picked the ball up anticipating the whistle so it I think it would be stupid to then penalise him for that.
but the issue you have with DOGSO and DFK is that what if the attacking say about the prior handball? they then start to question that surely it should be a penalty...

like i say, it is purely IMO and i feel that it is a situation that whether you gave a DOGSO and DFK, or gave the PK and double caution, either way is an explainable decision to an assessor, and one that would be perfectly acceptable either way

(lets now wait for the black and white law refs to disagree...i do like a grey area!)
But surely after no advantage being available to the attacking team, you'd pull it back and punish the original offence?
His point is that the advantage is the penalty, because you've played advantage, and then given a penalty, meaning they have a penalty instead of a free kick? That is how I read it anyway.

I think to cover yourself from any issues, I would give the DFK and DOGSO, that way no one can argue. And I would blow before the defender picked it up!!;)

But on a serious note, for a DOGSO I would be blowing near enough straight away, and getting right on the point of offence to calm it down etc.
in the real world i think we would all have blown straight away for the challenge, so by the time the ball is picked up it is 'out of play' anyway
Don't wait for the pillock to pick the ball up. All you are doing is opening the can of worms that will undoubtedly upset both teams.
If you have a red card offense don't mess around waiting for an advantage. Kill the game and play safe.
Both teams would be expecting red for the trip so don't disappoint them.
Darren's right (hi Darren!), IMO. Sounds like even if you didn't get a chance to blow, the defender and probably everyone else has pre-empted your actions. Common sense to me suggests you go with their expectations - and your original intentions. Technically you could go with the handball and penalty (and red for the DOGSO) but in reality always DFK and red, ignoring the stupid handball. For me it's about chronology of offences and the first offence here is the one you penalise.