The only games that I have footage of are ones which have been played at either Academies (Arsenal, Chelsea, etc.), or from highlight edits on club's YouTube accounts. It is a good tool to analyse the smaller details that you want to perfect in yourself and also see what assessors are seeing. However, I couldn't imagine taking a camera with me to a game to record the footage.
A couple of questions you may want to ask yourself are:
- Will all of the players/spectators be happy to be filmed if the game isn't in a public place?
- Will you be able to have an elevated position to record from? - recording at ground level won't show you much.
I was thinking of getting a tripod to elevate it. As for players/spectators, I don't think they're ever happy, so probably not. Maybe hide it in the bushes?
Then where would the Assessor be able to hide?
the only time the assessor can watch a game from the bar is if the referee agrees to buy the beer lolThe Bar !!!! As you will find out on Wednesday...
Some referees don't think we watch their matches anyway, so may as well do it from somewhere warm, dry and with a pint.
The Bar !!!! As you will find out on Wednesday...
Some referees don't think we watch their matches anyway, so may as well do it from somewhere warm, dry and with a pint.
Never been Wetherby....I had been told there was no bar!
The Bar !!!! As you will find out on Wednesday...
Some referees don't think we watch their matches anyway, so may as well do it from somewhere warm, dry and with a pint.
That's dropped marks surely!! Poor researching Darius!!!
I'm confused - how are you going to record yourself referee? No camera is going to be wide enough the film the whole pitch, so surely someone will need to move the camera to follow the play?
i do try and make a conscious effort to stay out of it as much as i can, unless its vital to be in it for a decent view of something.I got told the other week that I needed to get out of the centre circle by one of the players towards the end of the game....The next day I could barely walk.
Players like to throw that one out at you. Don't let them convince you unles you know you're doing it
I got told the other week that I needed to get out of the centre circle by one of the players towards the end of the game....The next day I could barely walk
Nice high arm signal .. check, Commanding authoritative presence .. check, Moving quickly towards landing area for next phase in play ...