Truth alert... it doesn't matter where you stand as long as you see the important stuff, their isn't a correct default spot for
Do you? If I'm in the best position already, moving puts me into a poorer position.I deffo disagree with the right honorable member for @CapnBloodbeard west on this one. And we are talking about games with no ARs here. Apologies long post:
Why move? If you stay static, feet planted, you miss things and everything is harder and slower to do.
Stay on the goal line? For me definitely not. You can’t see pushes or holding. And you are inviting the goalkeeper to aggressively push their nearest opponent (which, of the many, is probably the most common problem I face in non-AR games). couldn't see it from your position? I reckon you've just checkmated yourself there!!!!The only way to police the corners was from side on. From the goal line I would not have been able to see many of the players, let alone what they were up to. Before the corners I often started behind them close to the goal line. When the corner was taken I typically went to the side of the penalty spot at the near post ( because the players were in the goal area, in some cases mostly on the goal line!) And then I moved back and to the side as the ball landed (my diagonal) or to the D (if corner from the right). The one I remember most ended with the ball on the floor in a crazy melee on the edge of the goal area, I stepped back while it was happening, I had to watch feet, saw no offence, but once the ball was cleared one defender had a sore head - so I missed something as 10+ players crowded the ball! Very difficult.