The Ref Stop

Pen or goal?


Level 6 Referee
Striker in box, takes a hit from defender then another from GK but instead of falling over (like I thought) he scores. Just after I'd blown for the pen... Team are 6.0 down in a U13 game..
I give the goal. Everyone is happy bar one shouty man. Os this a major mistake I've made it totally understandable, given the circumstances?
The Ref Stop
As the laws are written, you cannot give the goal but I think sensible heads would say it’s fine in this circumstance.

From a game management POV you’re avoiding cards too for the penalty and one shouty man is better than 11+ players and coaches
A 'moral maze' type question. I would not allow the goal because it sets the wrong expectations about when a goal can be awarded in law.

If you are awarding the goal then should be absolutely clear that it isn't allowed but you are only doing because it doesn't affect who wins and to avoid the team who 'scored' being punished for your mistake. It isn't clear from your post whether you made that clear or not, if not could make it difficult for 'next week's ref'.

From my perspective the better option is to own your mistake and just issue sanctions/take the penalty as usual. It should be a lesson to young participants to be understanding of others' mistakes especially when it doesn't affect who wins. The recipients of sanctions still deserve them as they took the risk the goal would not be scored anyway.
I’d say better to follow the Laws. It’s a learning g experience for everyone, and they still have their PK. (As the coach or player of the losing team, I wouldn’t want an invalid goal, either. And I particularly wouldn’t want you to explain to me that it was an i alid goal that you were counting because you felt bad for me.)
It is certainly taking a risk, only needs the conceding team to complain and you are going to have a difficult question from your CFA. If you owned up to it would go down as incorrect in law and that is then in the area of potentially having the game replayed and you missing 21 days.

Just hold your hands up and say you've blown too early, and cross your fingers and toes and hope they score the penalty.
I've done similar before and I made them take the penalty which they duly missed. Certainly didn't earn me any fans, but I apologised and that was all I could do. At least in doing so I wasn't open to any potential further issues.