The Ref Stop

New money vs old money

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santa sangria

RefChat Addict
Ederson - 91st min - stops the ball leaving the field with his hand - waits - pressure comes - picks it up - surely an offence?

It's not a save...
The Ref Stop
Chelsea slipped back into Sarriball in the 2nd half. For the first 20 mins they were riveting. VAR spoils the party in extra time again!
What an absolute Joke VAR has become, i'm no Citee fan obviously, i'm a football fan, but this lunacy is sucking the sport dry of all the things we love about the game. How some idiot in an office can judge this offside is beyond me! We all know about frame rate, 138mm per frame and all that. Is this what's its become, really!!! ALL of these idiots running this sh1tshow need sacking, today, right now.... It doesn't work for football, period, not for decisions like this.... I get the clear and obvious stuff argument but THIS, really!!!!
That'll never be given

Haven't seen the incident but has something the same /similar on my line earlier, ball came to gk from a through ball from oppo, gk sort of went to catch it at knee level but used his palms to push it back in front of him, left it a few seconds to invite pressure then picked it up.

I tried to work out if he'd committed an offence and wasn't too sure so ended up not flagging, queried it with the ref and he said he didn't think there was one.

What's the consensus? Is there an offence there?
But is it an offence?

Potentially. The question is whether, ITOOTR, the GK had possession of the ball with his hands, and then took possession a second time. The Laws used to have express language that a parry (which was understand as a controlled playing of the ball down in lieu of catching it) was considered possession such that the GK could not pick it up. I think that provision is gone. I would be very, very slow to reach the conclusion that the GK had possession without catching the ball and not call anything that is not very, very blatant.
Having posted about my situation earlier, the ref I spoke to said it could be construed as a save then the ball in hands after so on that basis, it's probably better not to give than to give.

I don’t think whether or not it is a save has anything to do with the analysis of whether it is a second possession.
But is it an offence?

Didn't we have a brilliant example of the law on here where one of the keepers caught a ball in the air and dropped it, only to pick it up again and the IFAB via email said it wasn't an offence?

It was a good topic I think.

Better to give a warning first if it does happen, since it's so unusual an offence that you'll have a job explaining it if you punish it.
I don’t think whether or not it is a save has anything to do with the analysis of whether it is a second possession.
I don't think that is very accurate either. The offence is:

"touches the ball with the hand/arm after releasing it and before it has touched another player"

I wouldn't class OP as a release. Look at it this way, had he picked up the ball before opponents approaching, we wouldn't even be thinking about it.
Keeping up with changes is getting ridiculous. The distinction between parry and save was always a fine one. Making it explicit that for a goal kick the ball must be stationary.... the early long kick by Ederson to Aguero being a case in point. Ref didn't give it and only stopped play when Aguero had an open goal... presumably the AR told him on coms but it looked awful.

As for the "offside" there is so much wrong with this. Defender's shoulder seems beyond the line drawn with his butt, and that ball really looks like it's already left the attacker's head.

Then there's the farce of the ref apparently telling the AR to put his flag up. I'd like to think the perfunctory way the AR raised his flag was because he thought VAR is awful and was going to get the decision wrong.

And can we avoid "fandom" titles to threads...
Didn't we have a brilliant example of the law on here where one of the keepers caught a ball in the air and dropped it, only to pick it up again and the IFAB via email said it wasn't an offence?

It was a good topic I think.

Better to give a warning first if it does happen, since it's so unusual an offence that you'll have a job explaining it if you punish it.
I think the way the IFAB wants this to be treated can be inferred from the change they made to this part of the law (and accompanying explanation) in 2018. The removal of the word "accidentally" and the way they explain it suggests to me that they don't really want keepers punished for picking the ball up again after parrying it to the ground, even if it wasn't accidental.

Keeping up with changes is getting ridiculous. The distinction between parry and save was always a fine one. Making it explicit that for a goal kick the ball must be stationary.... the early long kick by Ederson to Aguero being a case in point. Ref didn't give it and only stopped play when Aguero had an open goal... presumably the AR told him on coms but it looked awful.

As for the "offside" there is so much wrong with this. Defender's shoulder seems beyond the line drawn with his butt, and that ball really looks like it's already left the attacker's head.

Then there's the farce of the ref apparently telling the AR to put his flag up. I'd like to think the perfunctory way the AR raised his flag was because he thought VAR is awful and was going to get the decision wrong.

And can we avoid "fandom" titles to threads...

The PL tweeted that the AR gave the Sterling goal as offside and that VAR merely upheld his decision. This is fine, but I don't remember the SKY commentators suggesting that the flag had been raised and I didn't see Sterling disappointed until the VAR decision had been made. For those at the game, when did the AR flag?
45 seconds after Sterling was "offside", after a long discussion with Mr Atkinson on the touchline. No idea what he said, but his flag didn't go up at the time. Do I take at face value what the PL tweets? No.
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