The Ref Stop

Minutes Silence


RefChat Addict
i have a game tomorrow, Remembrance Sunday, U16 league match.

It is a 2.00 pm kick off

Had it been an 11am kick off, I would have preceded the game with a minutes silence.

As it is 2.00pm kick off I am less sure, technically the act of remembrance has passed.

Any thoughts?
The Ref Stop
All our games can pause for a minute regardless of kick off time. It is the act of pausing that is remembrance rather than the time it took place.
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You won't be alone, I'll be doing mine at 2pm as well as well as one in the morning around 10:30. I would expect some will be done in midweek as well as teams will do it closest to the date rather than closest before the date.
You won't be alone, I'll be doing mine at 2pm as well as well as one in the morning around 10:30

Games in my league kick off at 11.02 tomorrow (usually 10:30), always have done.

I did a minutes silence in my u16's game today, and will do a 2 minutes silence tomorrow at 11.
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A referee at a game I was at today initially had the attitude "it's the afternoon now, no need for the minutes silence". I took the unusual step of approaching the referee (who I know) and insisted he done the right thing. Thankfully he took that advice
Perhaps I should just clarify why I asked this question, and my use of the phrase: "technically the act of remembrance has passed."

In a previous life, I served for 5 years in the RAF. Naturally, we would all wear poppies in the first couple of weeks of November and would very solemnly, and correctly, remember the fallen with collective acts of remembrance on both 11/11 and also Remembrance Sunday.

However, the service and parade on Remembrance Sunday marked the end of the official period of remembrance (for want of a better phrase). Poppies ceased to be worn after the 11am service and parade.

I always felt that this was right: of course, we would "never forget", but the solemnity of the parade and service marked a point when, at the end of it, we would begin to look to the future again.

I have, ever since, always removed my poppy after I have observed the minutes silence on Remembrance Sunday.

However, I did lead "my" two teams and circa 50 watching parents in a minutes silence before this afternoon's game. Not surprisingly, it was impeccably respected by all. I can't be sure, but I think that the teenagers skating on the adjacent ramp, and parents with toddlers in the nearby play equipment followed my cue and paused to reflect for a moment.
I personally remove my poppies from clothes, uniform and beret at the end of the day :) I class Remembrance Sunday as a whole day and not a morning :) That's just me though :)

5 years in the RAF. Thank you for your service :smug::)
I did the Minutes silence, immaculately respected..... And DB and all other members of any Armed Forces... Thank You for your Service!!!!
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Thanks for your kind words Gents. I am sure I speak for 99% of the forces when I say we are extremely proud of what we do.
I do lots of business with the UK Military, mainly Army Tank Bases but been to many RAF Stations over the years. I don't think some people appreciate that some of this places are like small towns. Always have respected the job the military do, I was in the TA as a late teenager but that life wouldn't be for me...
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I remember the first time I flew into Camp Bastion... that place was bigger than some cities! Second time I toured there... it was much bigger! Larger than Milton Keynes. Absolutely massive. Some UK bases, whilst not anywhere near that size, are quite impressive.... Although the U.K. Governement now seems to be selling most of the MOD real estate... but that's a completely different topic in itself.