The Ref Stop

LOTG Question

I believe it was a general piece of advice given, not a must do thing,
nothing official just something I was told. Just like sometimes you see a referee blow for full time when a player already booked makes another foul which would lead to another caution in the final seconds of a match.

Ashley Cole v QPR a few years back, would have reduced Chelsea to 8 men, and given atmosphere (It was the "John Terry" match) can see why Chris Foy blew for F/T rather than send off Mr Cole!
The Ref Stop
What do you do if a penalty is awarded in the last second of the game, the ball rebounds off of either the post or keeper (it doesn't matter) and then they score the rebound.

It does matter mate. If the penalty kick rebounds off only the post and not the keeper, and the same kicker knocks in the rebound, the goal doesn't stand. ;)
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It depends if you've extended time for the penalty or not.

If you've extended time for the penalty, then the penalty kick is treated much like kicks from the mark. No rebounds allowed, and the referee determines when it is complete (typically when there is no way that the ball could get into the goal without "interference" from the kicking team).
It depends if you've extended time for the penalty or not.

If you've extended time for the penalty, then the penalty kick is treated much like kicks from the mark. No rebounds allowed, and the referee determines when it is complete (typically when there is no way that the ball could get into the goal without "interference" from the kicking team).
Cue the old "goalkeeper saves it then throws it up in the air in jubilation" whereupon as he's walking away, it bounces back down behind him and over the goal line and the referee awards the goal. (Ever seen the clip of that one?) :)
What do you do if a penalty is awarded in the last second of the game, the ball rebounds off of either the post or keeper (it doesn't matter) and then they score the rebound. Do you disallow the goal because the original kick was taken or do you allow the goal? Same with free kick. What do you do?
Others have already opined on the penalty aspect of your question but as far as I'm concerned when it comes to a free kick, if it's truly the last second of the game then I would not add time on to allow it to be taken. If the foul occurred as you describe in the very last second I'd be blowing for time there and then as there's no conceivable way they could possibly take the kick before time elapses.
Others have already opined on the penalty aspect of your question but as far as I'm concerned when it comes to a free kick, if it's truly the last second of the game then I would not add time on to allow it to be taken. If the foul occurred as you describe in the very last second I'd be blowing for time there and then as there's no conceivable way they could possibly take the kick before time elapses.
So Peter, if the striker was about to pull the trigger on a shot from the edge of the box with time almost up and the defender fouls him to stop this happening ... you'd still stop the game there and then? I'd be stopping my watch straight away to ensure that there was still those last few seconds for the FK to be taken. Seems only fair to the attacking team ......
What do you do if a penalty is awarded in the last second of the game, the ball rebounds off of either the post or keeper (it doesn't matter) and then they score the rebound. Do you disallow the goal because the original kick was taken or do you allow the goal? Same with free kick. What do you do?
in the case of the penalty i would be telling everyone whats what.... i.e that time is being extended as per LOTG for the kick and the kick only, so in off the post, keeper or directly into the goal counts
with the free kick, i think someone has already said this but i wouldnt be awarding it if it was last second, although i'd imagine you would have a fairly hard time from a team not given the FK on the edge of the box at 0-0 in a top of the table clash! (edit- or any game for that matter)
I dont understand the concept of blowing for full time if a foul has been committed. If a player is drawing in on the penalty area, sweeping defenders aside as if they weren't there, you would usually wait for the shot to be taken (ending that phase of play) before blowing. Instead, he is swiped from the side and instead of blowing for the foul, you'd blow for full time? That sounds more of the case of a "creative refereeing" (touching on from a previous post). It doesn't make sense to me. A foul is a foul. If a foul has been committed in the dying second(s), that is still a foul committed in match time and should be treated as such! You leave yourself open for all kinds of trouble if you blow for time. As a player, I'd be pretty pee'd off!
I dont understand the concept of blowing for full time if a foul has been committed. If a player is drawing in on the penalty area, sweeping defenders aside as if they weren't there, you would usually wait for the shot to be taken (ending that phase of play) before blowing. Instead, he is swiped from the side and instead of blowing for the foul, you'd blow for full time? That sounds more of the case of a "creative refereeing" (touching on from a previous post). It doesn't make sense to me. A foul is a foul. If a foul has been committed in the dying second(s), that is still a foul committed in match time and should be treated as such! You leave yourself open for all kinds of trouble if you blow for time. As a player, I'd be pretty pee'd off!
actually, yes thats a pretty decent argument but... if times up its up, if i were to keep consistent though i'd also be blowing for FT if a player was winding up for a shot ( and accept the corresponding flak ) i think the scenario where a player sideswipes an opponent on literally the last second of the game would be rare, baring in mind he doesnt have access to your stopwatch to see how much time remaining... unless of course he's like rain man and has been counting since the last shout of "how long ref?"
i think there was a case where a player was literally tapping the ball over the line to score and the ref was blowing up and disallowed the goal ! in fact i think theres been several cases of that, even at international level i stand to be corrected on that though
I just don't believe that is welcome in the game. If time has elapsed then the referee is more that entitled to blow up at the time he sees fit. But like I said, if you are still in match time, regardless of whether it's a second or a minute, its still match time. I know that players won't have a watch on their person so wouldnt know, but for me, its just to controversial. We are advised to wait until the end of a phase of play, as I've read on here so many times. A free kick after a foul is still an attacking phase of play in my eyes. At our level, I'd wait for the ball to go over the bar or hit the wall and then blow up.
Obviously the higher up you officiate, the more chance the team has of actually making something out of the fk :) its certainly a dark area
I just don't believe that is welcome in the game. If time has elapsed then the referee is more that entitled to blow up at the time he sees fit. But like I said, if you are still in match time, regardless of whether it's a second or a minute, its still match time. I know that players won't have a watch on their person so wouldnt know, but for me, its just to controversial. We are advised to wait until the end of a phase of play, as I've read on here so many times. A free kick after a foul is still an attacking phase of play in my eyes. At our level, I'd wait for the ball to go over the bar or hit the wall and then blow up.
Obviously the higher up you officiate, the more chance the team has of actually making something out of the fk :) its certainly a dark area
agreed and in practice i'm sure we all wait for a more convenient moment to actually call time :)
actually, yes thats a pretty decent argument but... if times up its up, if i were to keep consistent though i'd also be blowing for FT if a player was winding up for a shot ( and accept the corresponding flak ) i think the scenario where a player sideswipes an opponent on literally the last second of the game would be rare, baring in mind he doesnt have access to your stopwatch to see how much time remaining... unless of course he's like rain man and has been counting since the last shout of "how long ref?"
i think there was a case where a player was literally tapping the ball over the line to score and the ref was blowing up and disallowed the goal ! in fact i think theres been several cases of that, even at international level i stand to be corrected on that though

Me and my dad are Bradford City supporters and he said once he went to a game there (before i was born) and Bradford had to win to get automatic promotion (This was about 20 years ago). The game was level, added time was nearly up. The Bradford striker shot and as the ball was in the air, the ref sounded the whisel to say it was full time. As he did the ball went into the top corner of the net. What would be the correct action for the ref to have done here? Wait for hthe ball to hit the net and then blow or disallow the goal as he did? What would have been the correct thing to do. I've had it where the team has score in the last second but not that close!
Me and my dad are Bradford City supporters and he said once he went to a game there (before i was born) and Bradford had to win to get automatic promotion (This was about 20 years ago). The game was level, added time was nearly up. The Bradford striker shot and as the ball was in the air, the ref sounded the whisel to say it was full time. As he did the ball went into the top corner of the net. What would be the correct action for the ref to have done here? Wait for hthe ball to hit the net and then blow or disallow the goal as he did? What would have been the correct thing to do. I've had it where the team has score in the last second but not that close!
big call that ! not the refs fault that they ran out of time, but yes good question should we all be playing to the exact second ? is it a kop out allowing play to continue for the sake of convenience? bradford supporters and players must have found that situation comepltely unfair, however i am sure that the opposition were grateful, as were whoever took their promotion spot that year.... so its yet another case of not being able to please everyone at once ... common theme that :)
I shan't mass quote the above but this is one of the reasons why I'm not a huge fan of ending the game when a goalkick is taken. The ball might be 'neutral' but I forever recall Tony Mowbray at West Brom going apoplectic because an Exocet of a goal kick found Diomansy Kamara on a clear run to goal when the whistle blew. Admittedly the edge of the circle was only a few yards behind him, but it created unnecessary hassle. If time's going to be up when the kick is taken, kill it already. Ball out, time up, is always a favourite of mine.
I think that's the only sensible option. I always, always wait until the phase of play has finished, regardless of what that phase of play is.

Nothing more frustrating as a player than having a referee blow during an attacking situation. If the ball goes out of play and the time has gone, don't waste the players, coaches, spectators and even your own time. Just blow the whistle and get yourself to the bar:ninja:
I think that's the only sensible option. I always, always wait until the phase of play has finished, regardless of what that phase of play is.

Nothing more frustrating as a player than having a referee blow during an attacking situation. If the ball goes out of play and the time has gone, don't waste the players, coaches, spectators and even your own time. Just blow the whistle and get yourself to the bar:ninja:
what about the defenders? are refs meant to favour the feelings of attackers ? sorry , just throwing that out there ;)
Ashley Cole v QPR a few years back, would have reduced Chelsea to 8 men, and given atmosphere (It was the "John Terry" match) can see why Chris Foy blew for F/T rather than send off Mr Cole!
Imo game management right call unless it's a straight red offence.
I think that's the only sensible option. I always, always wait until the phase of play has finished, regardless of what that phase of play is.

Nothing more frustrating as a player than having a referee blow during an attacking situation. If the ball goes out of play and the time has gone, don't waste the players, coaches, spectators and even your own time. Just blow the whistle and get yourself to the bar:ninja:
Same for me.
I believe many years ago refs were advised to restart the game so fans knew that a goal had actually been scored. I think this was advised when (not sure which teams ) played, the fans of the home team thought they had won the game when the ball went into the goal. The referee blew the final whistle and ended the game. Thinking the goal stood the fans left, when in fact the referee had disallowed the goal and the game ended as a draw.
Even thou the ball doesn't have to be in play to end the game it stops any confusion.
So I have been told.

This is exactly what I was told when I did my course, and something that I always stick to for exactly that reason. Saying that, you're opening yourself up to the other team shooting straight from the kick off, which is obviously going to cause problems.

As for this:
Ashley Cole v QPR a few years back, would have reduced Chelsea to 8 men, and given atmosphere (It was the "John Terry" match) can see why Chris Foy blew for F/T rather than send off Mr Cole!

If it's a cautionable offense, it's a cautionable offense: first minute or last minute. I had a game a while ago where one team were one down and attacking deep into injury time. As we ran out of time, a reckless challenge came in. Rightly or wrongly (by law probably wrongly) I cautioned the player and allowed the attacking team to take the FK. If the tackle hadn't been made, the attacker would've had a chance to pump the ball into the box, giving his team one final chance. I'd have been happy to extend play the extra 5 seconds to allow them that chance. The foul denied them that opportunity, so I felt it was only fair to let them take the FK.
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