The system as it stands, encourages refs to keep clubs "sweet" and therefore boost their club marks to give themselves the best possible chance of plum appointments. And certainly when you get towards the top of the ref pyramid the situation is even more skewed towards reffing for club marks more than the LOTG. Hence why there is lots "managing" of things like OFFINABUS when they should really be sending the players off.
I just don't think it works like that, especially at more senior levels. At senior county / supply league and above referees are normally marked by the secretary rather than the manager, and often these secretaries are ex referees. Whether they are ex referee or not they seem to have a much better grasp of what is right and wrong than managers do, and you are far more likely to get marked down for not cautioning a player for a late tackle than you are for cautioning him. I got told in my last supply league game that I was being marked down by BOTH TEAMS because I didn't caution an away team player for persistent misconduct ...!
And even at lower levels the biggest gripe I receive from clubs is that referees haven't cautioned or sent off for things, and this is far more prevalent than clubs complaining that their players were cautioned or sent off.