The Ref Stop


For me, though, he had to dive/jump on it to get it before Brentford striker could pounce.
If he'd have ran for it instead could he have then not fouled the striker who was going for it?
He dived on it to stop the ball rolling to the goal and also stop Brentford striker from getting it (John Terry clearly not going for it so only other player getting it was going to be the striker).
This, to me, is a more DOGSO back pass but only an indirect free kick is given and no card.
At the moment of the infringement, the player is stood directly behind Terry. He has to get round Terry and beat the keeper to it. Comes under 'unlikely to gain control' for me.
The Ref Stop
1) It's ridiculous that IFAB didn't release the actual text changes to the LOTG today.
2) Where did this change on attackers in the wall come from? I didn't realize this was even an issue being considered.
Silhouette? ffs...

This is my natural silhouette ref!

If someone went into a coma 20 years ago and wakes up in a couple of years and goes to a top flight game, I wonder if they still recognise it as a football game.
Silhouette ffs! Where to even begin with that one?

As for the new interpretation of handball. In essence, it is now written in stone that the same action is an offence in one area of the pitch but not in another. This area is also different in every match as it's intepretaed by individual referees. We all interpret offences differently but the area of the pitch is not relevant in law and rightly so. What are IFAB thinking?

At least the current 'deliberate' element of handball brings continuity. Where the offence occurs on the pitch is rightly irrelevant.

This is the worst law change for a long time as, imo, most are for the betterment of the game. Can't wait to see SKY Sports put a silhouette on the handball replays on tv.....

The handball law is now so arbitrary that almost every time the ball strikes s players arm/hand it can be interpreted as hand ball in law (as usually the offender will gain possession or will start an attack). I think we will see refs blow up every time it hits a players hand/arm now and if that's what IFAB want to make handball simpler then that's what they should introduce. Not some wooly nonsense like "silhouette".
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Deliberate handball still remains an offence, but not applicable when there's an attacking advantage? Complete contradiction.

Interesting that the 'natural silhouette' is used. Let me hit a shot towards you stood a couple of metres away and let's see how many people remain in the position of their natural silhouette! 0, unless they like the dentist.

It's too messy, too complicated and too arbitrary. Be interesting to see how many more handball offences occur next year. Lots id imagine..
You ultimately end up with the same outcome as most law changes though..
The brand new refs dont know any different so they are fine
Aspiring and top refs take it on board
And the rest are still going to use their trusted judgment no matter what.

Bit like offside if you get landed with an old school guy from the much as he knows current offside in his head, in reality if someone looks off, the flag goes up...
You ultimately end up with the same outcome as most law changes though..
The brand new refs dont know any different so they are fine
Aspiring and top refs take it on board
And the rest are still going to use their trusted judgment no matter what.

Bit like offside if you get landed with an old school guy from the much as he knows current offside in his head, in reality if someone looks off, the flag goes up...

I wonder how this will be perceived by players? Confusion will reign I imagine. It all just seems so uneccessarily messy. Guarenteed there will be an amendment to simplify the handball rule in a couple of years time.

It's not all bad, the law changes around players leaving at the nearest point when substituted off and there no longer being a requirement for the ball to the leave the penalty area from goal/free kicks inside the box are positives.

"Additional approved law changes included measures to deal with attacking players causing problems in the defensive wall, giving a dropped ball in certain situations when the ball hits the referee and the goalkeeper only being required to have one foot on the line at a penalty kick."

"Certain situations" is quite frightening as above.

And the attacker in the wall and GK foot on the line are actually pretty big changes.
1) So HB is now or game of hide & seek and we can't just run around the pitch shouting accidental anymore. Maybe silhouette translates well into Mandarin or something
2) Imagine policing triple subs at grass roots. We run to the sidelines and orchestrate The Red Arrows? This rule will backfire splendidly in Derby Games
3) The cards to Team Officials is a good change and I'm neutral on defensive FKs in the PA and 'the wall' thing
Had not thought of that ! Grass roots, you need run to one side to make sure Rat Player gets off safely, aswell as running to other side to check new subs boots/number/tape/nipple piercing, by which time Rat Player is out cold and just as you are about to restart the game, the other coach shouts, "ref, sub", and here we go again!!

I am just heading out to 2 games, will mentally try keep note of where sub should be going off in times to come and see how it feels.