How long to reach the top?

Does the promotion pathway change each season?
Not historically, but the last few years have been extraordinary. Covid caused problems, in terms of a lack of new referees, a lack of promotions, and a significant number of referees deciding not to return after the lock downs. That caused problems at L4 and L3 as there just weren't enough referees at those levels to cover games, and to an extent the FA have been playing catch up since.

This year sees the first season of the new promotion pathway, with the previous system having been in place for decades. There were some tweaks along the way, like moving from marks out of 100 to the revised well below standard through well above standard, and aligning the promotion season to the playing season. but the overall principle was you spent a full season at a level (unless your CFA allowed 7 to 5). Now there is no overall mark / grade, and referees could in theory be promoted twice in the space of 6 months.

My experience of change, not just in football and refereeing, is that when you introduce that level of change in such a short period of time there will inevitably have to be changes over the following years.
A&H International
Okay, makes sense personally I like to plan ahead and know where I'm going. Lot's of people said it's not a great idea focussing on aspirations to reach the very top too quickly but my head just works like that. Also as a young referee starting young I don't see an issue with looking at this as a potential career opportunity as I'm really willing to do what it takes.
Okay, makes sense personally I like to plan ahead and know where I'm going. Lot's of people said it's not a great idea focussing on aspirations to reach the very top too quickly but my head just works like that. Also as a young referee starting young I don't see an issue with looking at this as a potential career opportunity as I'm really willing to do what it takes.
Nothing wrong with ambition but there's also a level of realism. No different to young players starting out, a tiny percentage of young referees will make it to the top level of the game. Don't assume you will make a career of it, and by that I mean don't think it will pay the bills, as you need to get to the middle referee in the Championship before that happens. For the vast majority of referees, including the very top-level assistants, refereeing is a supplementary addition to income from their main employment.
Nothing wrong with ambition but there's also a level of realism. No different to young players starting out, a tiny percentage of young referees will make it to the top level of the game. Don't assume you will make a career of it, and by that I mean don't think it will pay the bills, as you need to get to the middle referee in the Championship before that happens. For the vast majority of referees, including the very top-level assistants, refereeing is a supplementary addition to income from their main employment.
I've looked into that and I've got other plans but refereeing is the dream.
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I've looked into that and I've got other plans but refereeing is the dream.
We’ll soon beat that out of you on here 😅

Of course, take that in jest. It’s always great to see a youngster with ambition. You’re on the right place here for online advice. Surround yourself with good, helpful people - mentors, sympathetic parent(s) (aka taxi), peers, local RA, and those a level above to watch and take advice from (and also to question).

Don't under-estimate the luck, fitness, brown-nosing, and sheer crap you'd have to go through to get to even Panel level. Sure it's lovely fun whistling with some pre-teens and handshakes and happy claps parents, but several years of experienced competitive arseholes await. It's one of those jobs (hobbies) where you're told what the end result MUST be, but not always how to get there - that comes with experience, and dare I say it, sarcasm.

THOUGH there are so many opportunities, go grab them. We're always here to bounce ideas / feedback off, and sure anyone of us who are local to you would pop down and watch a match and be a friendly face

All the best, Tom!
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