The Ref Stop

Grauniad nonsense


Well-Known Member
The Ref Stop
That's a 💩 anagram in the title. 😜

Just referee bashing nonsense!!! Unbelievable Jeff!
i think it's a pretty poor article all in. summary is everyone hates dean (city fans calling for him to get our game on sunday!), moss is crap (he did very well to get every major English cup final then!) and they couldn't write much about atkinson so resorted to one sided story!
If this is what is expected of the top of the flight referee what is expected for others. Feel bad for Dean, Atkinson and moss. They did their work now they are being mocked for it.
Oh f*** gutted I missed that the other day - I am a heavy Graun reader and I would have been all over that "below the line". Total piece of sh*t article. I am fuming TBH.

Clickbait. Disgusting.

There was a similar thread in the F365 mailbox a few weeks ago - also accusing refs of racial bias in not awarding Salah free kicks (I know - I am apoplectic) and I got published in there with a swift rebuke.

Dean. Moss. Atkinson. These people are absolute heroes.
Oh f*** gutted I missed that the other day - I am a heavy Graun reader and I would have been all over that "below the line". Total piece of sh*t article. I am fuming TBH.

Clickbait. Disgusting.

There was a similar thread in the F365 mailbox a few weeks ago - also accusing refs of racial bias in not awarding Salah free kicks (I know - I am apoplectic) and I got published in there with a swift rebuke.

Dean. Moss. Atkinson. These people are absolute heroes.
Was just reading the comments for the article left by people. There was a small group of people going on about abuse at the different levels and why they quit. And then the vast amount of the commments were hating on all three of them. It makes my blood boil, just because they referee does not mean they are not human. It is f**k*n disguising.