And we come full circle to something that I have long argued on here. That when the laws change, an explanation is provided as to why, usually providing clarification or pertinence, once the new edition is released that is lost and what is written can then be read differently and interpreted differently without the explanation.
Which is why I say it's one thing to know the laws, another to understand them and know how they should be applied
You can argue all you like about law being black and white, but laws are not, and never have been which is why lawyers are paid lots and lots of money to argue and convince judges how laws should be applied or how they have or haven't been broken. Laws are grey. That's life.
Unless you want a 2000 page law book listing every possible scenario then this is what we have. I can believe you want to punish the time wasting, that makes perfect sense, but I honestly can't believe anyone who has any interest in football, and doesn't have any biases in this particular game looks at this and thinks aha lets punish the keeper for letting go of the ball for less than a second whilst he stands up.
Anyone with an understanding of why that law exists in the first place (from a time before I was even born) reading between the lines keepers were bending the 4 step rule by putting the ball down and moving to where they want in whatever time they want and picking it up again, or putting the ball down and waiting to be challenged and picking it up again ,can see that what happens in this clip is not why this law was brought in.