The Ref Stop

Frustrating news regarding promotion

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I don't agree with charging some people for the course and not others (based on a protected characteristic). It's as simple as that. Nothing to do with jealousy or any other fanciful or insulting suggestion. I have a simple view of life which involves the principal of treating everyone the same. Nobody should be favoured based on a protected characteristic, even if the intentions are well meaning because doing so will defeat the purpose by perpetuating animosity among groups. Equality will lead to equality without having to force the issue.
You are entitled to that opinion, you aren't entitled to accuse organisations of discrimination when you don't have evidence. Discrimination of any kind is illegal, positive action isn't, so in classifying it as the former you are openly accusing one or more organisations of acting illegally. You do know that if the FA's lawyers come a knocking, and that happened to another forum, we would have to provide your actual details?

By all means say that you don't agree with positive action, I don't necessarily myself in some cases, but it absolutely is not discrimination as far as the law in England is concerned.
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The Ref Stop
It's jealously, predominantly from those who can't even get out of 4.
This is a fairly offensive and dangerous statement to make.

‘Can’t even get out of 4’- I’d argue that level 4 is the hardest of all the levels to get out of, due to the bottle neck that gets created at that level. I found getting National League line in my first season was 100000% times easier than getting L3

There’s an awful lot of people on here who haven’t (yet) got out of 4………..

Just because people have a different opinion to you does not make them jealous by default.

Positive discrimination is both a good thing and a bad thing. It’s great that women are being head hunted and promoted within refereeing as well as industries such as IT and upper management. But the same push doesn’t seem to exist within the world of bricklaying………(as an example)
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You are entitled to that opinion, you aren't entitled to accuse organisations of discrimination when you don't have evidence. Discrimination of any kind is illegal, positive action isn't, so in classifying it as the former you are openly accusing one or more organisations of acting illegally. You do know that if the FA's lawyers come a knocking, and that happened to another forum, we would have to provide your actual details?

By all means say that you don't agree with positive action, I don't necessarily myself in some cases, but it absolutely is not discrimination as far as the law in England is concerned.
You might be conflating discrimination with unlawful discrimination?

The forum can't disclose a member's personal data to a third party without a lawful basis. Just checked the terms and there is no consent to disclosure in there.
You might be conflating discrimination with unlawful discrimination?

The forum can't disclose a member's personal data to a third party without a lawful basis. Just checked the terms and there is no consent to disclosure in there.
I meant when ordered to. I'm perhaps a bit sensitive to this but I was friends with one of the people that got involved in all kinds of legal trouble when they made posts about the then Sheffield Wednesday owner Dave Allen. He went to court to get an injunction to order two forum operators to hand over the personal details of supporters that he claimed had made incorrect and libellous comments about him. They eventually settled out of court, but it cost them many thousands and several months of stress. They'd been told by their solicitors that if Allen won the case the damages would likely be of such a level even selling their houses wouldn't cover it.

The point I was making, and still am making, is be careful with wording.
You are entitled to that opinion, you aren't entitled to accuse organisations of discrimination when you don't have evidence. Discrimination of any kind is illegal, positive action isn't, so in classifying it as the former you are openly accusing one or more organisations of acting illegally. You do know that if the FA's lawyers come a knocking, and that happened to another forum, we would have to provide your actual details?

By all means say that you don't agree with positive action, I don't necessarily myself in some cases, but it absolutely is not discrimination as far as the law in England is concerned.
My evidence for discrimination was 'discriminating between ethnic groups in terms of charging for the course or not', so my post was entirely justified on that basis given I didn't know about the 'positive action' legislation. I therefore don't agree with the 'positive action' legislation rather than the FA's adoption of that legislation

I think you need to get real in terms of you worrying about Lawyers coming looking for me 😀 I'm measured in what I post and not remotely concerned I've said anything of concern

I've emphasized throughout, that I'm heavily in favour of treating everyone equally. That's a good trait. I don't believe positive action is the right way to redress the problem. I don't wish to debate this gut feeling of mine any further because it's not a great use of my time and energy. Free speech is fraught with all this nonsense and society is determined to shutdown debate and brainwash us into group-think
My evidence for discrimination was 'discriminating between ethnic groups in terms of charging for the course or not', so my post was entirely justified on that basis given I didn't know about the 'positive action' legislation. I therefore don't agree with the 'positive action' legislation rather than the FA's adoption of that legislation

I think you need to get real in terms of you worrying about Lawyers coming looking for me 😀 I'm measured in what I post and not remotely concerned I've said anything of concern

I've emphasized throughout, that I'm heavily in favour of treating everyone equally. That's a good trait. I don't believe positive action is the right way to redress the problem. I don't wish to debate this gut feeling of mine any further because it's not a great use of my time and energy. Free speech is fraught with all this nonsense and society is determined to shutdown debate and brainwash us into group-think
Agree on debating any further point. Going nowhere but circles.

Whilst you haven't said anything that will necessarily get you into trouble I would warn anyone that posting anonymously, here or anywhere else for that matter, that this does not necessarily give you anonymity.

We are not suggesting this will happen, rather, trying to redirect the conversation to prevent it happening by mistake. It only takes something to be read the wrong way.

Case closed. We're done on the topic for now. Hopefully future promotion topics dont venture down this rabbit hole.
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