Fitness test failure


The avuncular one
Well, what a balls up yesterday was, right from the off things were going wrong. :)

Early start, leaving the house before 8 am. Didn't sleep the night before (I never sleep properly after games) Forgot my wallet and had no money on me. Just enough fuel in the car to get there and back so by the time I noticed I had forgotten it, I decided to just crack on as I wouldn't have time to go back. Then I get there (after an hour and half a drive) and it is a pay and display car park - I paid in 5ps! Took a whole feeding them into the meter! The local refs knew you could park in a nearby car park for free but no one told us out of town guys. Lucky I had so many on me in the change pot!

Nice track, nice warm day, all should be good.

I warm up and do the sprints: 6 x 40m in under 7 seconds. I am aiming for all of them to be under 6. No problems. Fly through it. Feeling good despite a game the day before which went to extra time. Should be a breeze.

Then comes the 150m in 35 seconds, 50m in 45 seconds. I do the first 6 reps of the 16 required and am feeling ok. I am busting for a wee, but otherwise okay. And then I just lose all heart and quit. Don't even start number 7 - I have no idea what on earth was going on in my head. Whatever it is inside you which drives you on in these moments was sadly awol. Not injured at all, just mentally not right.

Sat and watched my colleagues complete the test. Offer my congratulations to them. Drove home knowing I get to retry the test in a couple of months.

Drive home the hour and a half absolutely gutted and fuming. I get home, refill my water bottle and go straight up the local field to do the test on my own. Where the everlasting fudge monkey was my desire for it when i was doing the bloody test!

I have never felt so gutted and angry with myself.

Get to wait now for the retest date. No assessments until I get the test done.

Not a happy monkey.
A&H International
1. Don't do any high intensity work the day before a fitness test. That includes a game.
2. Of that test, about start number 7 tends to be the point where you start to feel a bit fed up, and have to dig in. Then it gets easier. Especially once you realise you are half-way through the test.

You'll get it next time.
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The really annoying part is I have done and passed this test twice over the past two seasons. I am fitter and faster now than on both those tests!

You know what you have to do and you will do it.
Yeah, just feeling sorry for myself! Lol.

Back in the gym tonight, low level game tomorrow night before a crunch blood, guts and thunder clash on Saturday, which will be a good tester for me. Looking forward to that one.

Thanks guys. Just what I needed to pull my head out of my ass.
Part of life and refereeing is the way you deal with set backs too. Having the Positive mental attitude will get you to where you want to be, stand you in good stead and make you a better referee.
I know it may not make you feel any better but just remember, you're not the only one that didn't get through it and you're not the only one that wanted to headbutt a wall for not forcing through it (just me? :cry::hmmm:). I felt exactly the same and in my case, I have a number of injuries due to an incident a few weeks back (not sport related) and I've had to take a month off from games now. However, the damned test won't beat me next time. It won't beat you either!
Don't get down about it, it's designed to mess with your head when you're doing it and it's not supposed to be in any means easy, out of the group I did 4 finished it and 1 didn't pass the sprints... I only just finished it myself actually, I was struggling too!
One of the most painful things I have experienced in refereeing. Anyway, over it now, onward and upward. Bring on the retest date!
Welcome to the human race simian! :)

If you can get back up, you're not beaten yet.