The Ref Stop

Fitness improvement


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,

Currently at the worst fitness level i've ever been. I do Saturday afternoon/Sunday morning games but do very little in the week due to work and family.
I can easily cover 7-9kms a game, keep up with play pretty well but do catch myself breathing heavy a few times per game and occasionally begging for a break in play/half time.
I've changed my eating habits so hopefully that'll help shift some of the weight and make it a bit easier to get around but obviously some additional cardio will definitely be needed.
Currently L7 on pathway to L6 but hoping to possibly do most if not all requirements to so 7-6/6-5 this season, and will be straight onto 5-4 next season.
Could someone explain the 5-4 fitness tests/requirements so I can recreate to see where I currently am and also provide so tips/tricks/cardio plans to help improve over the next 12 months or so.
The Ref Stop