Junior/Youth First match of season

As soon as the free kick is given the play is stopped. Up to referee when the play restarts otherwise how would you ever get a substitute on for example?
A&H International
As soon as the free kick is given the play is stopped. Up to referee when the play restarts otherwise how would you ever get a substitute on for example?
ermmmm not really mate, it is up to you under specific conditions which both Graeme and zara and others have alluded to. This is so important for free kicks, the whole notion of a free kick is to right a wrong against the offended team so when you purposefully (and without a good reason) deprive them of a quick free kick then you have given the offending team an advantage and would be biased towards them under such conditions. As for a substitution, you control that too don't you? you control the timing and the speed of the process. So you are telling me if all the conditions have been met (ie no need for a YC/RC, the ball is not moving, the ball is placed where the foul took place) and the offended team took a quick free kick, you'd pull it back because a substitution has been requested?
ermmmm not really mate, it is up to you under specific conditions which both Graeme and zara and others have alluded to. This is so important for free kicks, the whole notion of a free kick is to right a wrong against the offended team so when you purposefully (and without a good reason) deprive them of a quick free kick then you have given the offending team an advantage and would be biased towards them under such conditions. As for a substitution, you control that too don't you? you control the timing and the speed of the process. So you are telling me if all the conditions have been met (ie no need for a YC/RC, the ball is not moving, the ball is placed where the foul took place) and the offended team took a quick free kick, you'd pull it back because a substitution has been requested?
I suppose it depends on the circumstance. If someone is stood on edge of box unmarked but onside and they are about to take a quick free kick it's one thing. If it's in a general attacking area and they are potentionally about to take a quick free kick no reason not to stop it and allow the sub. I suppose it raises a point actually, other day I did a game and manager said to me in passing 'can I have a sub next time please ref' I said ye no problem...if first occasion arose I have created a potentional problem either way I either stop the quick free kick and allow the sub I kind of promised or let the free kick go and get an earful...
ermmmm not really mate, it is up to you under specific conditions which both Graeme and zara and others have alluded to. This is so important for free kicks, the whole notion of a free kick is to right a wrong against the offended team so when you purposefully (and without a good reason) deprive them of a quick free kick then you have given the offending team an advantage and would be biased towards them under such conditions. As for a substitution, you control that too don't you? you control the timing and the speed of the process. So you are telling me if all the conditions have been met (ie no need for a YC/RC, the ball is not moving, the ball is placed where the foul took place) and the offended team took a quick free kick, you'd pull it back because a substitution has been requested?
Exactly, and you can turn down a sub for any reason. I turned one down the other week because I was about to blow for full time as soon as play was restarted and didn't want to have to run over to the side of the pitch for no reason!
You will hardly ever see a top level referee allow a quick free kick anywhere near the penalty area, at least not unless they take it immediately following the foul. The reason is that it is coached out of them (if it was ever in them) well before they got to that level.
You will hardly ever see a top level referee allow a quick free kick anywhere near the penalty area, at least not unless they take it immediately following the foul. The reason is that it is coached out of them (if it was ever in them) well before they got to that level.

Let's be honest the primary reason they don't allow them at the top level is that players would have to be punished for delaying the restart and they are perceived as cheap cautions.
At grassroots the defenders are rarely switched on enough to be aware of the possibility of a QFK, fortunately for them most referees do their job for them.

Of course allowing a QFK when you've given the impression, perhaps unknowingly, it's going to be on the whistle can cause major match control problems. That's not a good enough reason not to allow QFKs, just be more aware of what your actions are indicating.
You will hardly ever see a top level referee allow a quick free kick anywhere near the penalty area, at least not unless they take it immediately following the foul. The reason is that it is coached out of them (if it was ever in them) well before they got to that level.
I don't really understand the second part of the first sentence. Taking it immediately following the foul is pretty close to the definition of a quick free kick. So what you seem to be saying in essence, is that they don't allow quick free kicks near the penalty area, unless they do.

In any event, I disagree that you hardly ever see this. People keep saying this every time we have this discussion but it seems to me you see it at least several times a season. Obviously, it depends on what you mean by "hardly ever" but I think you see it often enough to say that every top level referee does not subscribe to the "all free kicks near the penalty area must be ceremonial" philosophy.
How quickly this has turn into a QFK debate. I'm with allowing the QFK as long as its quick and the defenders are not being sanctioned.

The reason for allowing a QFK is simply to restore the balance the best way possible. Match control is your problem and if one doesn't allow it because of match control then I suggest one has let the offended team down due to his/her inadequate match control skills in tense situations or lack of courage.

Can anyone find an example of a QFK (and i mean 'quick') at top level that was brought back when a sanctioning of defenders was not involved?