First Game Tomorrow

Stan Beal

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi everyone,

I'm a 17 year old referee and it's my first game tomorrow - an U16 girls game. Does anyone have any tips or advice? Especially as regards to the general procedure before the game, ie. how long before KO I should turn up, my routine etc. I feel like even though I know the Laws well I'm not especially confident on applying them in practice.

Thanks in advance.
A&H International
Hi Stan, welcome.

Tomorrow, aim to get there between an hour and 45 minutes before the game. Better to be early with time to kill than be late and be rushing. I would suggest don't be pedantic with kit checks beforehand etc...feel out what the situation requires. If possible, speak to a referee from the same league and ask what is normally done before each game. Routine wise, it's up to you to figure that out I guess but run through it in your head on the way to the game, and go over what you want to say to the captains beforehand, which should help with any nerves. Definitely introduce yourself to both managers and do a brief pitch inspection/wander & net check before you call the captains in.

Act confident, even if you don't feel it! The way you are perceived initially can make a big difference so walk tall and sell yourself as an experienced referee even though you aren't :)

Most importantly...enjoy it. Chances are you'll come away with a few things that you would have done differently but your first game is always tough as you are feeling out new ground. Let us know how it goes!

Good luck!
Stan, good luck - and just go out to enjoy...

I would say though get in to good habits from the outset. As @heedmatt said, get there early - it sets the tone. When walking the pitch, keep an eye out for dog mess and other hazardous items (and remember, it is not your job to remove them - let the home manager know and it is his responsibility to clear). Once the nets are up, check that you are happy with them - ie fastened and pegged down well. Check the goal posts. Get the match balls and check them. It's U16 girls, so there will be jewellery - make sure the girls have removed earrings etc when you do the boot check.

My routine then is 5 minutes before kick off get captains, managers and whoever is running the lines to the centre circle, do the coin toss and brief your CAR's as to what you want from them. In some areas CAR's do offsides, in other areas they don't - check with a colleague beforehand: I always ask CAR's to wait for an offside player to touch the ball before raising their flag, unless its one on one with the goalkeeper and its clear another attacking player will not get to the ball. Tell them now that if you have a different view to an offside, you'll indicate to them to lower their flag and carry on (but also thank them during the game if they are getting things right - a thumbs up or mouthing "good call" to them when appropriate). Doing this 'briefing' in the middle means you are only having to do it the once, and also means everybody hears the identical message.

Then get the teams set and off you go! Don't forget to start your watch(es)... (I always start my watches before blowing for KO, to ensure I then don't forget).

Have you practised with your whistle yet? If not, and whilst it might sound daft, have a practice at home - you don't want a barely audible wet whistle sound when you blow during the game. During the game, use the whistle differently depending upon what you are blowing for - careless foul: short and sharp, reckless foul longer and harsher and so on.

Finally, you will make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Don't feel disheartened during the game when you recognise an error you have made. Push it to the back of your mind and review them after the game - it will help you improve game by game.

And enjoy! Report back here to let us know how you got on.
Hi everyone,

I'm a 17 year old referee and it's my first game tomorrow - an U16 girls game. Does anyone have any tips or advice? Especially as regards to the general procedure before the game, ie. how long before KO I should turn up, my routine etc. I feel like even though I know the Laws well I'm not especially confident on applying them in practice.

Thanks in advance.

How did the game go Stan?
I turn up half an hour before for a normal Sunday morning junior game. Turn up about an hour before for ESFA/ISFA matches though.
Turn up 10 minutes before hand, have a quick fag to calm the nerves ... Call everyone over to you, stand in the centre circle and execute as little movement as possible!

Jokes a side ...

Be 1/2 hour minimum prior to kick off, introduce yourself to both managers and enquire as to captains names and numbers ... I tend to ask the manager to get the team to line and and do a quick kit and boot check, I then do a my warm up whilst checking the pitch
Hi everyone - thanks for the help. My first game went okay, but I had my second game today (U13 boys) and I thought it went really well. Gave my first penalty but it was stonewall, not much dissent. Got some praise from spectators and the managers of both sides, too.
Hi everyone - thanks for the help. My first game went okay, but I had my second game today (U13 boys) and I thought it went really well. Gave my first penalty but it was stonewall, not much dissent. Got some praise from spectators and the managers of both sides, too.
Sounds good Stan. When things get tough, remember the good games, the ones where nobody complained. Remember the praise and let it balance the criticism that you get in the future.