Thought I'd ask what other referees would call your favorite items in your bag. I'm pretty well set on my bag of stuff, but always interested in what others might list as their favorite items that they carry.
My first is the Fox40 whistle with finger grip - I used to use a Fox 40 on a wrist lanyard, but every now and then the whistle would come off the lanyard clip - the finger grip is much better IMO.
Sock liners is number two - using sock liners under the standard sock is more comfortable, and wicks away moisture - also nice to wear in wet weather. I recently had a single fixture, and didn't put them on, and noticed a big difference in comfort, if only for a single game.
My first is the Fox40 whistle with finger grip - I used to use a Fox 40 on a wrist lanyard, but every now and then the whistle would come off the lanyard clip - the finger grip is much better IMO.
Sock liners is number two - using sock liners under the standard sock is more comfortable, and wicks away moisture - also nice to wear in wet weather. I recently had a single fixture, and didn't put them on, and noticed a big difference in comfort, if only for a single game.