Thanks Lewys. I'm getting nervous now since I leave tomorrow and I've never flown. I received a message from the Canadian Soccer Associations' Director of Referees and Fitness and it looks like there is a symposium for two days before the tournament actually begins which is rather exciting. The schedule is as follows (I'm very excited to get some more instruction than we usually get - particularly the on-field component):
Saturday 16 July
19:00 hrs Welcome, Opening Remarks, Outline of the course/administration
Sunday 17 July
9:00 hrs Practical Sessions
AR Running Technique
AR Flag Signals-Basic
AR Decisions-Throw-in
AR Decisions-Goal kick & Corner kick
10:20 hrs Break
10:35 hrs AR Decisions-Offside, Basic
AR Decisions-Offside, Enhanced
Referee Skills-Basic
12:00 hrs Lunch
12:30 hrs Classroom Session
Pre-Match Preparation
Communication Skills
Fourth Official
Monday 18 July
9:00 hrs Practical Sessions
Referee Skills-Foul recognition
Teamwork-Fouls inside/outside penalty area
10:20 hrs Break
10:35 hrs Teamwork-Offside
Referee Skills-Managing penalty kicks
Referee Skills-Concentration
12:00 hrs Lunch
12:30 hrs Classroom Session
Recognizing Challenges
Handing the Ball
14:45 hrs Break
15:00 hrs Offside
16:00 hrs Education evaluation
Pre Tournament meeting with assessors in attendance
First day match assignments & Competition Rules