That's my point. When the ball hits the referee, there are no other options between "give DB to last team touched" and "don't give DB to last team touched, do [other procedure] instead". The first one solves more problems more often with simpler language, the second creates more problems more often and would require complicated language to resolve, and would end up half the time becoming "give DB" anyway.Not sure, but in my example do you think it would be fair and in the spirit of the game that team B get possession simply because the ball hit one of the players on the back of his head and then hit the referee?
My argument for the scenario I sent to IFAB is that neither team had possession, so there would be no need to award a dropped ball in the first place.
Team A lost possession when the pass was misskicked, and team B never had possession because all it did was hit one of their players.
All we really need to do is avoid getting hit by the ball, but you know that there will be a time when an edge case like this happens and no one will be happy with the outcome
As things go, the "unfairness" of being awarded the DB for having it sconed into the back of your head is nothing compared to the absolute mess that would be needed to sort it out any other way.