County Cups

A&H International
Great that you've got onto the County radar :). Worth being extra diligent with paperwork after, acknowledgements prior and of course doing a great job on the day. That way, as the season progresses and less referees are needed for the later stages of the competition you give yourself a fighting chance of staying in the frame! Good luck with it
U15s for me, first middle (because of various injuries and the fact I've done 3 lines so far this season) for about 9 months!
Good luck with it, you've done well to get them out of the way so quickly.

I assume the previous 2 went ok then? Are you going 5-4 as well?
That's the dream. And yes both spot on.

One games comment was 'Bring flags for both teams' which isn't what it says in competition rules and was me being a stroppy cow because I'm sick of them being broken haha. Others was get wider to watch for throw ins with feet on FOP.

If that's what they're needing to go to to have development points then I must have done something right :)
I'm hoping I'll be assessed this game too as I'm assuming it will be a step up from the normal leagues I ref in.

A quick check of the refs who are doing the 1st round suggests there's only 1 other level 7 doing a middle this round too :)