Contrib Fitness Test

Padfoot said:
What about a referee who had absolutely no interest in progressing past Level 5?

Are they going to refuse people promotion between 7-5 if they decline to take the test?

Massive backward step imho, purely designed to further push the FA's ridiculous agenda of over promoting young referee's purely because it looks good in the media to have lots of 17/18 yr old "senior" referees.

Yet more FA led discrimination against mature experienced referees.

why would you have no interest in not going past 5 surely the aim is to referee at the highest level you possibly can do we say this at work sorry don't want this promotion iam happy cleaning the floors sorry don't get it

Because not everybody has a desire to become the FA's bitch which is what happens once you move into 4 and above.

Everybody referee's for their own reasons......some have a ruthless streak of ambition and will clamber all over their colleagues to progress as far as possible....some do it to push themselves as hard and as far as they can.....some simply do it because they don't play any more but want to stay within that footballing climate.

And yes, you can say at work that you don't wish to be promoted......however, refereeing isn't work...it is a hobby and should be enjoyed as such. No referee should ever feel under pressure to achieve promotion and if a colleague doesn't wish to seek promotion then that is their prerogative.
A&H International
Because not everybody has a desire to become the FA's bitch which is what happens once you move into 4 and above.
Not to sure that's an appropriate way to describe it... the FA's b***h... Maybe say become one of the FA's leading referees.
Something seems a bit bitter about your comments?

lol...not at all. Cynical & jaded maybe, but bitter, definitely not. Thoroughly enjoyed my refereeing career so far, and continuing to enjoy it now. Especially since i took the decision to step off the FA's merry go round of promotion and just referee for my own enjoyment.

Not to sure that's an appropriate way to describe it... the FA's b***h... Maybe say become one of the FA's leading referees.

However, in order to become a "leading" referee (and level 4's certainly can't be described as that......i'd consider 2a's and upwards as "leading referees") you have to basically prostitute yourself to the FA in order to satisfy their requirements.
Which is fine, if that is what you want from refereeing........i'm not knocking anyone for doing that, that's their choice and i'm sure they're happy with it.
However, in order to become a "leading" referee (and level 4's certainly can't be described as that......i'd consider 2a's and upwards as "leading referees") you have to basically prostitute yourself to the FA in order to satisfy their requirements.
Which is fine, if that is what you want from refereeing........i'm not knocking anyone for doing that, that's their choice and i'm sure they're happy with it.
Bit strong? Prostitute yourself is strong... Be at the FA's beckon call maybe more appropriate.
Because not everybody has a desire to become the FA's bitch which is what happens once you move into 4 and above.

Everybody referee's for their own reasons......some have a ruthless streak of ambition and will clamber all over their colleagues to progress as far as possible....some do it to push themselves as hard and as far as they can.....some simply do it because they don't play any more but want to stay within that footballing climate.

And yes, you can say at work that you don't wish to be promoted......however, refereeing isn't work...it is a hobby and should be enjoyed as such. No referee should ever feel under pressure to achieve promotion and if a colleague doesn't wish to seek promotion then that is their prerogative.
Strongly worded but a reasonable assessment of the semi-pro football referee's lot
Each to there own I guess, I'd love to be a level 4, but already been told that due to my shape and size it'll never happen. Aspirations of level 5 and that's it I guess!!
svenny size shape age don't matter mate you do the criteria pass the fitness test you a 4 this is what Neal Barry told me at a level 4 seminar and here I am done it so don't settle for a 5 if you thimk you can do better
I was told that it would be unlikely that I'd get promoted unless I did something about my weight and fitness. Then got a wake up from my doctor. Lost 2 1/2 stone and started running. Now a level 4, still being told I need to improve my fitness!! If you want it enough you can do it.
Darren don't worry mate 12 min is simple I am 52 and passed quite easy trained three nights a week for three weeks doing 1.25 miles per run 2 nights up and down hills 1 night on the flat its all we need why over kill and run 3k not needed but each to his own also had a 60+ ex level 3 pass easily so I think he can so can i