Constantly getting injured


Wished I started this when I was younger
Level 7 Referee
This is my first full season and I'm 43. So far I've been injured twice, the first time with a groin strain and hip flexor injury and now with an slight fractured fibula.. Can anyone give me any gym or training tips to get my body conditioned to doing 6 miles in an game and not getting injured ?
A&H International
First things first; see a sports physio, dont try to come back until your current injuries are mended fully. Minor injuries have a nasty way of becoming much worse injuries as the mechanics of your movement changes to compensate for injuries your carrying.

Secondly, (if your not already doing this) look at incorporating resistance training (body weight high intensity circuit exercises being ideal) as a means of building strength as well as cardio. I started working with a personal trainer, it's torture at times, but the best thing I ever did. Stronger and fitter than I have ever been at 40. The PT worked out my weaknesses within 20 minutes and puts me through routines every week which improve on them.
Physio is a must. It will cost you one match fee.

You'll probably find the physio will test your strength at certain joints and it's likely you have a slight imbalance somewhere. E.g. People who sit down a lot all day can have weaker hips and gluteals which causes lots of strains, especially if you cross you legs when you sit. That sort of thing.

Anyway, get checked out and only come back when you're pain free.