Colour Clash / Penaties

The Daddy

New Member
Can someone explain to me why we, at grassroots level are constantly reminded by local FA`s , assessors etc.... to uphold the laws of the game. Which we practically all do - So answer me this.

1, Why do I see some many Premier League goalkeepers wearing the same colours as the referee - Every week I see this on MOTD.

2. Why is it we give penalties for pushing shoving, shirt pulling, arms round body,shoulders or neck- when waiting for a corner or free kick to come into the penalty area. EPL referees seem to `see` and blow for the same action and award a DFK outside the box...But strangely enough they don`t `see` it as a foul inside the box....so what is the difference..?? Don`t tell me its to do with angles.......a foul is a foul wherever it happens..!!

I get fed up at games when players ask and tell me what they see on MOTD and why don`t I do / do not, do the same. They then say is the PL and PL referees a law unto themselves...at the moment my professionalism stops me from answering that.!!
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A&H International
Those are the unfathomable questions within the polite refereeing society we live.
Others just reckon they referee for club marks.......I know which I think........
1. It is a lot different to grass roots as teams can wear black. Sometimes there is no possible colour that the referee can wear that won't clash with a keeper. Like it or not money talks, clubs have to wear their normal kit due to sponsorship reasons, so referees are told to not worry if they clash with a keeper. Not perfect but dies it really matter? When do you ever see the keeper stood next to the referee in open play?

2. I sincerely hope you don't award penalties for pushing, shoving, or any other offence, whilst waiting for free kicks or corners to be taken.
1. This is a situation where I think the Laws are a little inconsistent. Law 4 says that the goalkeepers must wear colours that distinguish them from both the other players and the match officials - but then goes on to say that if there's a colour clash between the keepers, the game can still go ahead. One might ask why the same principle could not be applied to a colour clash between a keeper and the referee. As the old saying goes, "What's sauce for the goose ....."

I think it could also be seen as applying the principle, now stated in the Laws, that: "Referees are expected to use common sense and to apply the ‘spirit of the game’ when applying the Laws of the Game, especially when making decisions relating to whether a match takes place and/or continues." [Emphasis mine]

2. See RustyRef's comment.
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To the OP, just do your game in accordance with law and no one can criticise you. If players give you grief over your enforcement of law, then enforce it a little more by cautioning them for dissent.

Don't worry about what the tv referees are doing until you are one.