The Ref Stop


Wait - OP said he was looking on whole game to tally cards. How do you do that? I have looked before for summary but doesn’t seem to be there. I track on a separate spreadsheet - so far 35 cautions and 4 dismissals from 34 matches. All men OA. Seems low compared to others. Feels like a game is either zero or 3 though so average could be hair on fire sitting on an ice cube.
The Ref Stop
Don't take my 3-5 comment so seriously. It's probably less when I think about all the mens OA games I have been involved with as an AR. Probably that the crazy games really stand out and the no bookings games are easily forgettable!

I think if you are giving few cards, and you are not shirking cards, that has to be a good thing.

If you are giving verbal warnings when the LotG require cards, than perhaps that's not such a good thing;)
I’ve been beset by injury and illness this season, but looking at my stats for last season, I did 26 games, and I game a total of 13 yellows and 2 reds

However, I only did 17 games in the middle, so have an average of 0.76 yellows a game.

But there are a few ladies matches in there where their were no cards.

I also had 2 reds, one for offinabus and 1 for a second caution.

In the few games I have done this season I’ve reffed 7 and issues 7 cautions. However 6 of those cards came in my last match.

I’m not overly bothered about how many cards a give, I don’t try to manage mandatory cautions etc, so I guess that I must just be lucky in the games I get.
Well last season I had a Yellow average of about 3.5 per game and one red every 6 games. This season I decided to take Padfoot's advice and not wimp out of any yellows. Especially dissent. I have had 9 games, 26 double yellow send offs. 3 abandoned games due a team reducing to 6 players. In my last game the teams walked out before KO. My appointments officer says he wants to have a chat with me before he appoints me again. I have no idea why.
I'm getting soft in my older age, average of 1.09 yellows and 0.09 reds per open age game this season.

My cards are actually going the opposite direction.

I’m only in my 3rd season, but there is definitely and upwards trend in my card count.

I have wondered whether a) the more experience I get the easier it is to determine when a card is needed, b) I get more difficult games so there is more card worthy misconduct, or c) I’m becoming jaded and have a lower tolerance for nonsense.
Yeah, I agree with @santa sangria : 3-5 yellows per men's match is probably about right for me. My numbers are skewed by a single game in which I had 10 yellows, but apart form that, my average is only actually about 2.5 per game. I guess I've had a few zero or one card games as well, which keeps it below 3.
3-5 is quite high for an average IMO...My sunday plods was about 2-3 and eventually falling but my saturdays was usually 0-2 YC's... very rare they got lairy!!!.
My cards are actually going the opposite direction.

I’m only in my 3rd season, but there is definitely and upwards trend in my card count.

I have wondered whether a) the more experience I get the easier it is to determine when a card is needed, b) I get more difficult games so there is more card worthy misconduct, or c) I’m becoming jaded and have a lower tolerance for nonsense.
Yea, this is what I'm seeing as well - I put it down to me having less time for dissent than I used to, as well as perhaps chickening out of fewer marginal calls.
In one season I had 121 cautions and 52 red cards over the course of 130 games.

5 of those reds came in an U15 fixture, where the players absolutely lost the plot. I still don't hold the national record though, I do, however, know the referee who does!
So far this season 23 matches, 48 cautions and 6 sent off, gives an average 2.09 for cautions and 0.26 for sendings off, similar averages for last 5 seasons!
I mainly do youth footie but senior youth. Its a rare game when I don't card. Although yesterday I did a U11s game card free, but my U13s game 2 lemons. I end up reffing an U18 quite regulary and as regular as clock work I always book at least 1 for dissent normally followed by the comment here we go again. They never learn.
Did two games yesterday, two yellows for dissent. I'm thinking I'm often too lenient regarding cards for fouls, only gave 10 yellows in 12 games this season
Did two games yesterday, two yellows for dissent. I'm thinking I'm often too lenient regarding cards for fouls, only gave 10 yellows in 12 games this season

I’ve noticed the same, I’ve not had many games so far this season due to injury, but I’ve done 10 games and had 10 yellows. 6 were dissent, 3 were foul tackles and 1 was for AA.

I don’t think I’m too lenient on fouls, but that players are just a bit gobby, and never seem to learn. There one team locally who get at least 3 cautions every time I have them, and they always have at least one in the book for dissent.