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      Scotty Ref replied to the thread Euros 2024.
      Which of the refs run around with the whistle in their mouth? I certainly haven’t noticed it at all. As an aside, whistle in mouth...
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      Scotty Ref replied to the thread Czechia v Türkiye.
      The second caution certainly can be supported, but is very harsh. I’m not sure that the referee realised it was his second. He showed...
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      Scotty Ref reacted to BCMilan's post in the thread Scotland v Switzerland with Haha Haha.
      Not really noticed it, but then perhaps i'm wearing my red and white tinted glasses at the time lol. Much better performance by the...
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      Scotty Ref replied to the thread Scotland v Switzerland.
      That will be like every England match at every tournament then?
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      Scotty Ref replied to the thread Serbia v England.
      Collina did the exact same, very Italian style signalling. He won’t be changing anytime soon. Again, a very European way of...
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      Scotty Ref replied to the thread Remuneration.
      There you go again with your pounds per hour. Referees are not paid per hour they are paid for a match. In your case £45 for 90...
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      Scotty Ref replied to the thread Remuneration.
      This is going around in circles 😂 The main issue here is that you are trying to equate refereeing with a ‘normal’ job which it is...
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      Scotty Ref reacted to RustyRef's post in the thread Remuneration with Like Like.
      The answer to me is really simple, if you don't think the money is enough don't do it. It never ceases to baffle me that it is almost...
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      Scotty Ref replied to the thread Remuneration.
      You don’t need to go as far as USA, just come north of the border. The vast majority of grassroots football from u13 upwards is now a...
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