Can you blow your whistle a little quieter?


Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
So local cup fixture today, red vs blue, a cracking end to end football with not a single long pass.the only time ball left floor was for throw ins.
While match going on I realise there is a rugby match going on next field, cup game as well.
I get approached from rugby home team boff, saying that their referee complained at the pitch of my whistle and I should blow my whistle quieter....
I burst into laugh... I was in stitches, while boff looked at me rather... ehm... displeased.
I thought it was a wind up and I agreed while still trying to stop laughing.
So for second half I decided to change whistle, swapping my Fox40 for my Sonik Blast, and every time I had to stop game blew with full lungs(I think they must have heard me in next county).
End of rugby game ref came over to my side, by now I just started ET, (should have seen him in his pink kit all the way to pink boots as well) and stood there for all the ET.
Score level still so penalties, rugby ref tries to come over... Stern get off the pitch... He then went. Most of players asked what was that all about....
A&H International
I have to agree with Brian, it could have been handled much better.

You could have responded to the first request by saying you'd try your best but you couldn't make any promises. You then could have not switched to a louder whistle and made a point of blowing it as loudly as you could.

If the ref came over you could have explained to him that the use of the whistle in football is different to rugby, and that some times a louder whistle is necessary depending on the nature of the offence that had just occurred.
I'm with Brian - somebody asked you to blow it quieter so you go out of your way to blow it louder?
Serious question - why the antagonism?
You haven't represented the badge well there mate. Quite unprofessional - both in terms of your immediate response and how you conducted yourself afterwards. It's one thing to say 'sorry mate, can't help you', but to deliberately antagonise them just because you can.....well, have a think about what went through your mind there mate.

A few of the responses on here....well, I hope they're not serious responses is all I'll say.
really, somebody ask you to blow your whistle less and you do. if the players cant hear his metal toy whistle, thats not our problem, and you hold up the game so that he has a moan at you cmon guys get real
No one said to blow it quite, just that laughing at someone and then going out of your way to blow it louder probably isn't the right way to go about things.

And the op said the first person spoke to him at half time, and the ref tried to speak to him between ET and penalties starting.

Yes the rugby ref should be asked to live the pitch until the match has ended, but that certainly doesn't need to be done in a "stern" manner.

When we put on our kit we a representing the FA and our CFA, and a bit of politeness doesn't cost anything.
My response would be " In the game of football, the referee uses different volumes of whistle depending on the situation that is occuring or has occured, although this is inconvenient to your game, it is an integral part of my match control, please send my apologies to your referee."
The tone and length of your whistle as stated above, are all part of your game management. Why on earth would you change your game management style just because another sport is happening on an adjacent pitch????????
Look a ruby referee whistle has a has a different tone to a fox 40 so there should be no problems if It was same whistle then like most others I'd have no problems changing my whistle
If some of them big rugger boys took offence and came over you'd go from Blow job to No Job and they'd probably stick the whistle where the sun doesn't shine!