bonus game this weekend

richard ramjane

RefChat Addict
as player/manager for a vets team, i wasnt expecting to have a game this saturday just gone... however 45 minutes before KO i get a call from our ref saying he was ill and couldnt make it.
the ref sec phones to also inform me that he has also been contacted and that he was sorry that it was unlikely to find a replacement at such short notice.
as i was already nearly at the ground i couldnt go back to get my kit , but had decided that if the oppo were ok with it then i'd do the game.
there was a ref on the adjacent pitch, and she very kindly offered me her spare kit which i accepted.... but shes a little 'slighter' than me and it was, hmmmm lets just say, slimming, much to the amusement of everyone present !
it wasnt without incident either, one pen against my team at 2-0 up, one pen for my team at 2-1 up (missed spectacularly) and one overruled offside.
my team were NOT happy with the penalty... it was a handball.... but over a pint in the bar they accepted my explanation, but i think i'm going to get some banter for the rest of the season !
i had to mark myself, which was a bit odd... but having asked the rest of my mob for a sensible suggestion of a mark, it was the better option :)
A&H International
Ref Secretary might be a bit suspicious of your 437/100 mark though...,

haha true that... just got an email from him this morning thanking me for stepping in and that he'd updated full time to reflect the fact that i'd done the game.
he also said that to save any embarrassment he would give me the same home club mark that the opposition gave me , which was an overly generous 100.
think i'll quit while i'm ahead in that league and keep the average up :)