Bleep (yo yo) test


The avuncular one
Anyone had a go of this? I remember doing it when I was in school, but not since. Might have a go tomorrow if the weather is nice. Got an app which has a few versions of the test, including the interval recovery version
A&H International
I have to do it for my job every year. My role requires me to reach level 10.5. Each year I think I'll keep going to see how far I can get and each year I stop at 10.5!! Not a bad level for a 49 year old though:)
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I have to do it for my job every year. My role requires me to reach level 10.5. Each year I think I'll keep going to see how far I can get and each year I stop at 10.5!! Not a bad level for a 49 year old though:)

What do you do as a job, if you don't mind me asking?
Don't quote me on it but I believe it's the Loughborough test. We do it over 15 metres.
I had to do this a couple of weeks back as part of the Lancs FA assessment evening to get on the development group. Ours was over 20m and a lot harder than it looks when you set out on to the field!

Got to 16.8 and a place on the group, so pretty happy with that!
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We do them in the Army all the time over 20m rather than 15m. Pass level for younger lads is 10.2 but as I'm 33 I get to pass at 9.8. It's much easier than running a mile and a half in under 10:30, but that's not hard. Think the most I ever got on it was 11.3 when I was much much younger lol.

I think Gazza and Scholes both completed it to the end in their pomp. Über fit.