The Ref Stop

Best fitness training to do

The Ref Stop
In Kent every week we have a training session and starting in NY we will have two sessions a week. Speak to your RDO to see if there is one near you.

Also go out running in your local area. Check out GYMPACT thread as well
Try up hill sprints, up here there a killer, 10 x 3 reps = very very tired legs but keep doing them and suddenly you'll find a burst of pace you never thought u had!
try the insanity workout (just google it) that is FrenchConectionUK-ing ninja that is all i am going to say about that.
I swear by interval training. Best way to get fit very quickly. I personally do sets of sprints as follows: 2 X 200m, 2 X 100m, 3 X 75m, 3 X 50m all with 1 minute breaks between each sprint. Then do the whole thing again starting from 50m, working your way back up to 200m. Follow this by some core strength exercises (e.g squats, planks, hip lifts) and stretch off to finish.

This is fairly intense but super effective if done once or twice a week, and can be modified however you like.
Hindu squats. The most innocuous looking yet old-style PE teacher insane exercise there is. Get to 50 and your body screams to stop. Yogis can do 300 or more.

Unlike said insane PE teacher it actually achieves something. Good cardio and leg work out - if you do it properly.
After many years of avoiding running, I got into it (not particularly fast) after trying Podrunner. I started at the Podrunner intervals training for 5k and have now worked up to 10k. Basically you have free downloads to your ipod (or Mp3) and run in time with a beat. The beat varies between running and walking to start off with until you build up to just running. I am now at the stage where, whilst I don't "want" to go out everyday, I don't dread going out for a run and if I haven't done one for a while miss it. Hope this helps.
I can confirm insanity is the way forward, I feel fitter now, than I have felt in ages, no need to go to any gym, buy weights, go for a run in the rain.
You can get insanity in 3 ways the offical way, eBay, or a torrent website.
However you do it I would suggest trying the torrent for 2 weeks as you will lose a lot of money any other way, but stick to the calendar which you can find online too!

I an now 2 weeks in and I can't wait to dig deeper tonight, because I lllluvit
Went down one of the not so official routes and got a copy of Insanity. I've done the fitness test and day one. Jeez. Only problem is, with working shifts and having three kids I cant see me getting the time to commit to it everyday for 60 days. On top of that, my back is aching like mad. I know its the muscles in the back rather than a back problem, but it still hurts. Insanity might be the way forward at your age, but I may have to bow out of that one and stick to trail running. I quite like running in the rain though.
Haha mick!

I know the pain your talking about, who would of thought we have muscles there, I have had to stop for a few days and I will get back where I left off, can only make me stronger?

I do know of people who work out to it every other day and the still feel the benefits.

At least we are doing more than most people, who just sit on a couch, even once a week on the park refereeing is keeping us active!
We got a very good booklet in our referee course folder.

You can view it online, I will try and find the link and put it on here.
I had never heard of 'PodTraining' until i read this thread and its really helped my fitness, just finished the beginners interval training and feeling a lot fitter already! Should note the download is free, but if you aren't keen on dance music id give it a miss. Just google it!
James I have to admit that the dance music isn't really my thing either, but it's nice to just switch off and let the beat keep you going. I take it from the reference to beginners interval you mean the 5k training? If you have done that move on the to 8 or 10k training. After that you can build up the speed with the other interval sets (Skyline etc) or just find a pace that you like running to and look for a podcast that has that speed. I haven't done any for a while but at the mo I am on Skyline 3, due to move to Skyline 4 and keep it going for about an hour. I have found that it helps with what I think of as free running - that is running without any musical assistance. My pace is generally a bit faster than I actually think it is. Keep it going mate, as mentioned above, anything we do is still a hell of a lot more than most people.
Yea it was the beginner to 5k training, have a week of slightly longer low intensity runs this week so break it up a bit but next week ill be starting the 10k one, i have also noticed i appear to have a faster pace than id originally thought, which is always a good thing!