Being 'Next Weeks' Ref'


Politically Incorrect
As I made my way to the pitch for my second game today I saw the assistant manager for one of the Sunday League teams (this is at a big soccer centre type place with brand new facilities and about 8 pitches, there's always plenty going on).

His team play there home games there and I knew they were at home today, so I asked him how they'd got on. 'We lost 5-0 mate but we're improving' was the reply.

They're a new team who are getting hammered every week, but I've done a few of their games and they are improving.

The first game I did of theirs I had a lot of dissent and showed 5 yellows to his team for it. The second was a couple of weeks ago and the manager could tell me enough times how they'd keep themselves quiet, which they did.

Then, unprompted, he said 'The ref was **** (I don't know him anyway), had loads of dissent from the other team. They called him every name under the sun and he did nothing about it. Then when they saw they could get away with murder, our lads ended up chipping in too. We told them off in the changing room though.'

At this point I told him I have his team next week and they'd better be on their best behaviour, which he laughed and said 'I know, I know, I'll have a word.', but that now leaves me with that act to follow now.

Damn you last weeks' ref!!
A&H International
@RegalRef Sorry mate .......Every Ref is different , the " last weeks ref " comment is something I totally disagree with

We have all been last weeks ref at some point !!

Its a buck passing statement that means nothing !!

We should all stop using it .
@RegalRef Sorry mate .......Every Ref is different , the " last weeks ref " comment is something I totally disagree with

We have all been last weeks ref at some point !!

Its a buck passing statement that means nothing !!

We should all stop using it .
Disagree. It perfectly encapsulates someone who turns up just for the cash, rarely moves out of the centre circle, doesn't control the game and makes my life harder when I follow him or her the following week.
Lad complained (jokingly) on Sunday that I'd sent a card in from a few weeks ago, when he kicked the ball away (Delaying Restart of Play).

I said 'bet you don't do it today!'

He laughed and said fair point. People who don't send cards in don't realise their power.....this is a simple one, harmless if you will. It's the referee who doesn't send in the VC's that infuriate me the most. This gives the player no reason to think twice when the red mist draws in and the consequences for 'next weeks ref' don't affect 'last weeks ref.'
Disagree. It perfectly encapsulates someone who turns up just for the cash, rarely moves out of the centre circle, doesn't control the game and makes my life harder when I follow him or her the following week.
Sorry Brian ....Disagree , this phrase pops up on here too often and every time it is used it is on the advice of "This Weeks Player " who may well be trying to manipulate situations to suit himself or his team ?
We were not at the game "Last Week " and should not be undermining a colleagues performance , especially not on the word of players .
I have been told by the powers to be in my league that teams should give me team sheets before the match, and every month send them to the league secretary who checks that all the players on the sheets are registered or not using suspended players and will take the appropriate action if so. For three games on the trot now one team or the other have said after i have requested said sheets " Oh! last weeks ref didn't want it when i tried to give it to him,he said he didn't want it " and of course at that point they hadn't even written them out. So i have said "you have got till 5 minutes before k.o. to give me your team sheet " So i think that falls in the catagory of "last weeks ref ", and i did have to explain to said managers they have to provide completed team sheets to the referee before kick off as per league rules. If that is not enough after cautioning one player for dissent he said to me " Since when do you get booked with arguing with a ref?".
I see both points on the "last weeks ref" debate, i have to say though @Beezer makes a very good point. Whenever i hear a player use the term i often dismiss it as absolute rubbish, they are simply trying to manipulate the situation and you for that matter. Having said that in @RegalRef 's instance maybe this is a case of the dreaded term and as for @Brian Hamilton 's comment, are you saying we are supposed to move out of the centre circle??? ;)
Sorry Brian ....Disagree , this phrase pops up on here too often and every time it is used it is on the advice of "This Weeks Player " who may well be trying to manipulate situations to suit himself or his team ?
We were not at the game "Last Week " and should not be undermining a colleagues performance , especially not on the word of players .
They exist, they make my life more difficult, I don't like them.
They exist, they make my life more difficult, I don't like them.
Of course they do .....but .......when next comes round these players are shaking hands with the ref after the game saying " cheers for that ref the guy we had last week was a Dick " we are all last weeks ref .........:eek: its a fact
Move out of the "safety circle"? Are you mad?!?!?!!?
Of course they do .....but .......when next comes round these players are shaking hands with the ref after the game saying " cheers for that ref the guy we had last week was a Dick " we are all last weeks ref .........:eek: its a fact
Wrong. You know the context in which we use it on this forum and you are now taking it out of it.
Of course they do .....but .......when next comes round these players are shaking hands with the ref after the game saying " cheers for that ref the guy we had last week was a Dick " we are all last weeks ref .........:eek: its a fact
So probably they didn't like last weeks ref's decisions(they were probably losing/lost), so they call him/her a dick you believe that ? you believe what is usually biased players opinions of a fellow referee?
If you awarded a penalty against said side ,in total justification, and i refereed their next match and they said you were a dick (without me knowing why) should i believe that?
Beezer, when I refer to last week's ref I am usually not just having smoke blown up my arse by a player (which is so obvious it's embarassing).
I see LWR on pitch next to me with my own eyes!!! Sometimes I'm ASSESSING last week's ref!!!
Taking all sorts of dissent and OFFINABUS and then cheerfully announcing he won't be sending in any cautions.
LWR is the polite thing to call them. If the forum allowed it I'd call them f****ing idiots!!
Biggest contribution I ever made to refereeing was to inform my RDO after I overheard a ref saying he wasn't "sending them in".
Said ref no longer refs on my league - result!
Wrong. You know the context in which we use it on this forum and you are now taking it out of it.
Beezer, when I refer to last week's ref I am usually not just having smoke blown up my arse by a player (which is so obvious it's embarassing).
I see LWR on pitch next to me with my own eyes!!! Sometimes I'm ASSESSING last week's ref!!!
Taking all sorts of dissent and OFFINABUS and then cheerfully announcing he won't be sending in any cautions.
LWR is the polite thing to call them. If the forum allowed it I'd call them f****ing idiots!!
Biggest contribution I ever made to refereeing was to inform my RDO after I overheard a ref saying he wasn't "sending them in".
Said ref no longer refs on my league - result!
I just find the term rather derogatory to your fellow referees ! A referee who takes lots of abuse on the FOP possibly needs Mentoring and a bit of constructive input ? rather than being slated for being weak ! and being classed as F###ng. id###ts thats a ridiculous comment to make ?

How do know the referee you mention hasn't sent the cards in ?

every game players ask me if I'm putting the cards through and I sometimes say "of course not " or" ill think long and hard about " all in jest of course

Anyone can be classed as "last weeks ref " on any given occasion

And I find it an elitist term used to belittle others .
@deusex just re visited your post ....Apologies if the cards weren't put through that is not good and needs to be dealt with
@Beezer - LWR is a refereeing term and a term we use here for our colleagues (and I use the term incredibly loosely) who let the rest of us down. Every single week. We all know of some, or hear gossip from other refs about them. They exist. They are sadly not big foot.

As for what players say - Players talk nonsense a lot of the time. In one ear and out the other. They mostly have an agenda.

You're the best ref we have had this season.


You're the worst ref we have had this season.


Last weeks ref didn't check tape/undershorts/jewellery

He's not here today. Sort it out please.

Last weeks ref was shocking, worst ref in the league

You ain't seen me yet.

Water ducks back. They rarely know what they are talking about. :) we do (or at least in terms of the laws of he game we should!)
@Beezer - LWR is a refereeing term and a term we use here for our colleagues (and I use the term incredibly loosely) who let the rest of us down. Every single week. We all know of some, or hear gossip from other refs about them. They exist. They are sadly not big foot.

As for what players say - Players talk nonsense a lot of the time. In one ear and out the other. They mostly have an agenda.

You're the best ref we have had this season.


You're the worst ref we have had this season.


Last weeks ref didn't check tape/undershorts/jewellery

He's not here today. Sort it out please.

Last weeks ref was shocking, worst ref in the league

You ain't seen me yet.

Water ducks back. They rarely know what they are talking about. :) we do (or at least in terms of the laws of he game we should!)
Exactly Sm the comment is all relative to how you choose to referee your own game I know referees/friends on both sides of my style of referee but I wont call them a bad referee just because they don't do it my way ? that seems to be how the comment is used .
I think you are getting lost in the context here.

I use LWR to describe a referee who deliberately ignores the compulsory Laws or processes that 99% of proper refs know they have to apply or abide with. As above this is things like players equipment, putting through disciplinary reports or dealing with obvious dissent to name a few.

A ref who has different tolerance or interpretation (within reason of course) is just a different ref to me and is not LWR.
Fair enough , so long as it is used in that context by everyone and doesn't become a term for putting down the performance of a fellow referee !

I think it may have crept in that direction on a few occasions ?