The Ref Stop

Being called Racist


RefChat Addict
Completely hypothetical as it's never happened to me, but I have wondered about what I would do in this circumstance - and have seen others mention it happening to them.

If a player called you, or even (blatantly implied) you were racist would you send them off for OFFINABUS?

For me it's unquestionable as I would find it not only offensive on a referee basis (he's calling me a cheat) but it's also calling me something I loathe and is incredibly insulting to me off the field let alone on it.

Just wondered what everyone else would do?
The Ref Stop
I did once have an issue with an allegation with two players. I didn't hear anything.

Was obviously brought to my attention that something had happened, pulled players involved with captains in and explained I'd heard nothing, but would report it afterwards, warned that it needed to be left where it was.....surprisingly nothing kicked off between players after.

Reported it to League and CFA after. Don't know what happened
Personally no I wouldn't find that offensive at all, unless it was accompanied with an implication that this was the reason for my decisions (I guess this is what you mean), at which point I may act.

I don't get over excited by things like that, same as being called sexist or ageist in my opinion.
I mean they are genuinely saying that you have given decisions against them because you're a racist.

I don't mean a jokey Ali G style comment!
Still difficult to say comprehensively. I mean, sometimes you get accused of being biased towards one team, so it not that much different to that. Whether I find it offensive or insulting really depends on how it is said.

I know that's a complete cop-out, but it's not the same as being called a cheating (insert swear word) which is a definite insult.
Fair enough. The main reason I asked was whether people would consider it the same, worse or not as bad as being called a cheat
Falsely calling someone a racist is of itself a racist comment. You wouldn't hesitate to send off a player who made one of the obvious statements so this one is no different.
Totally agree ^ - I also think players who make stupid comments like that should have the book thrown at them. It's one thing to say you're a cheat - anyone can say that and it's water off a ducks back... But, especially these days, where eveyone is terrified of upsetting anyone and all the self righteous, sanctimonious pr*cks are ready to have a field day if there is even a notion of someone being a racist -then yes; MEGA ban and MEGA fine. That'll sort it out sharpish !
Yep, playing the race card like that is actually highly racist itself. So between that and the fact that he's accused you of biased conduct, there are at least 2 reasons to give that player an early shower. It's actually quite an appalling comment, highly offensive to most people - and playing the victim card automatically in terms of race is also incredibly disgusting.
Totally agree ^ - I also think players who make stupid comments like that should have the book thrown at them. It's one thing to say you're a cheat - anyone can say that and it's water off a ducks back... But, especially these days, where eveyone is terrified of upsetting anyone and all the self righteous, sanctimonious pr*cks are ready to have a field day if there is even a notion of someone being a racist -then yes; MEGA ban and MEGA fine. That'll sort it out sharpish !
so if a player calls you a cheat do you ignore card everytime cheat is the worse thing anybody can call a referee
No, @jofusref - it would be a red all day long if I was called a cheat. I was saying that if a player/manager called me a cheat it wouldn't bother me personally A. Because I know I'm not and B. it wouldn't hurt my reputation after that game and in my personal life and my career... Being called a racist would affect a lot of things.
I would consider an accusation of racism pretty offensive. Depending on the exacty words and context I'd be looking at a red card.
Yes I would and have done. I was an assistant in a game and the sub who came on with about 15 minutes to go was offside about 7 times before the end of the game (stood offside each time not even close). After final whistle he said, "You were only flagging me coz I'm black!" called ref over and asked him to send the guy off.
I have in the past asked the question of the accuser ... whether they really wanted to go there and received an immediate apology. If it wasn't a heat of the moment comment, then I would dismiss.
Yes I would and have done. I was an assistant in a game and the sub who came on with about 15 minutes to go was offside about 7 times before the end of the game (stood offside each time not even close). After final whistle he said, "You were only flagging me coz I'm black!" called ref over and asked him to send the guy off.

Maybe I need to change my attitude, as this is where I am getting this all wrong - but currently I would find this sort of thing nothing but laughable. I'm not offended or insulted at all, it's just one guy with a chip on his shoulder. I don't see this the same as being called a cheat, more like dissent. Clearly I am in a minority here so I'll re-evaluate it if it ever happens to me (which so far it hasn't).

I guess we are not all the same, but we do need consistency to an extent.