Thank you all for your considered replies, and of course as we might expect there's quite a large range of opinions.
SF makes a good point that many of the issuese also apply to any 'normal' teenager and in some ways that is the problem! How do we separate this child's genuine illness from that of Kevin or Perry - who just happen to be a bit mouthy... and in fact is it our job to even try to separate them?
We talk about 'managing situations' rather than just flashing cards around and these are the areas that I think a referee of this boy should have the opportunity to know about prior to the match.
Same sanctions - different delivery...
SF makes a good point that many of the issuese also apply to any 'normal' teenager and in some ways that is the problem! How do we separate this child's genuine illness from that of Kevin or Perry - who just happen to be a bit mouthy... and in fact is it our job to even try to separate them?
We talk about 'managing situations' rather than just flashing cards around and these are the areas that I think a referee of this boy should have the opportunity to know about prior to the match.
Same sanctions - different delivery...