Australian A-League - 2 goals awarded by VAR


RefChat Addict

Couple of points on this one:
Goal is clearly correct. There's a complaint about a throat strike from the keeper. I'm not convinced it was anywhere near the throat, but the aggressive nature of his actions - coupled with the fact that he had just committed a blatant, bad foul on the goalscorer and wasn't even going for the ball, means the referee needed to take action here. Very disappointed that he wasn't even interested in the keeper's actions.


This is an appalling VAR decision, for me (and not the first the VAR has gotten horrendously wrong in this league). It's clearly interfering with an opponent - and I would think that you'd need to be 110% certain that defender has no chance at all of impacting play to call it trifling. I don't think you can say that - beyond that I think there's a very good chance he would have made a slide tackle and at least gotten close.
I'm also curious as to why the ref went to the VAR - lack of trust in the AR, or I wonder if it was the AR's suggestion.

I'm interested in what people think of the offside infringement.
Also, play had restarted, continued for several seconds, then the referee stopped play purely to call the VAR. Surely this is a major error in law???

The amount of mobbing of the referee is very disappointing - our league needs to crack down on this, IMO.

apologies if it's geoblocked.
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A&H International
Red Card for the keeper all day long, how many views do they need!! The more this comes in the more this beautiful game is spoiled because EVERY decision will be questioned. What an absolute mess that would be!
Ref unfortunately hiding behind the VAR there. I guess that is going to happen. There are going to be some weird power plays with this. Some top refs will start to abdicate form decision making.

#1 Go with the AR, no problem, no goal
#2 Check the offside on VAR, good goal, RC for the GK. Send him off for this first chop on the attacker, and include the second chop on the attacker in the net in your report. If you didn't see the first one, surely it is an easy RC for the second.
What about the offside in the 2nd goal? For me there's a definite chance that the defender might be able to interfere with the shot and I think that should be enough to call offside - ESPECIALLY when the VAR is overruling it as if there's a 'might' in there, then it's not an 'obvious error'.

What are you guys sending the keeper off for? I can't see any strike there.....looks like aggressively smacking the ball out of the player's hand.

Added more information in bold to the OP - something which you can't see in the clips I posted. Looks like a serious error in law to me....
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Is what you're referring to (the error in law) on either of these clips? If so, I'm not sure what you're referring to. Play doesn't appear to restart in either of them unless I'm paying attention!

I think it's a clear and obvious red for the keeper, he runs at the player then forearms him in the throat / top of chest, VC.

The VAR will only work if they get the decisions right! Otherwise we'll be creating more controversy than we would have had by not using them.
No, not in either clip, that's why I didn't see it until later. I've had it verified by several people though. It was in the clip that didn't result in the keeper trying to single-handedly destroy the opposition's front line though.

Unfortunately, we've had a couple of times when the VAR has completely stuffed it up in the A-League. Not good.

This was a semi final too :(

Personally I can't see the forearm by the keeper - I see an arm movement but I'm not clear on it, so I can only put it down to aggressively smacking the ball out of the hand.

But the referee didn't respond in the slightest, so poorly handled for me. And without the throat strike, you still have that aggression, coupled with a pretty bad late hit on the striker....a card needed to be shown there.
that is a clear red card for goalkeeper, strikes or attempts to strike, esp in the manner in which he did it, that's an act of violence and you could justify a red card for the first challenge on the scorer, out of control, no regards for opponents safety, no real attempt to get the ball, only intent on wiping out the opponent. His actions seconds later are a follow on and to me, this goalkeeper is out of control and should be dismissed.

the offside clip, for me, stopping the clip on 50 secs, the offside striker interferes with an opponent and it should be offside. if you stop the clip on 51 secs, the offside striker and defender are, a yard apart, and the defender is, less than 2 yards from the ball but has no chance of playing it due to the offside striker, if that's not interference, then I dont know what is :(
First one looked offside and the ref should have gone with AR without using VAR

Second one , onside and good use of VAR. Can only go red if you have seen impact. Even VAR is inconclusive, the offended player seemed to make a remarkable recovery. I'd go with a yellow for the challenge on the goal scorer though .

VAR will only increase ref crowding , players will be instructed to 'convince' us to review for the chance of changing a decision that went against them- they have nothing to lose
First one looked offside and the ref should have gone with AR without using VAR

Second one , onside and good use of VAR. Can only go red if you have seen impact. Even VAR is inconclusive, the offended player seemed to make a remarkable recovery. I'd go with a yellow for the challenge on the goal scorer though .

VAR will only increase ref crowding , players will be instructed to 'convince' us to review for the chance of changing a decision that went against them- they have nothing to lose
Are you saying you think VAR is inconclusive on the GK attack on the second player in the goalmouth?
This is why I don't like the VAR being in the hands of the referee. it should either be a case of "The VAR has asked me to stop play to look at this again" or even better, "your manager has the challenge option, if you're unhappy with the decision then get him to use one of his limited challenges to refer it".
First one looked offside and the ref should have gone with AR without using VAR

Second one , onside and good use of VAR. Can only go red if you have seen impact. Even VAR is inconclusive, the offended player seemed to make a remarkable recovery. I'd go with a yellow for the challenge on the goal scorer though .

VAR will only increase ref crowding , players will be instructed to 'convince' us to review for the chance of changing a decision that went against them- they have nothing to lose

No disrespect to your own refereeing ability or your judgement but if you don't deem that keepers actions as violent conduct then questions need to be raised as to your interpretation of events....its clear as day he strikes/or attempts to strike....makes contact, the recovery or actual force used is irrelevant, even look at the keepers body language, he is out of control, everything about his demeanour says act of violence...
You cant see the goalkeeper striking the opponent ? what is going on at 47/48 seconds on the clip?
I can see an arm movement, but impossible to tell if it's directed at the player or the ball - given the ball goes flying out, it could well be an aggressive swipe/grab at the ball. I personally think the attacker took a dive there.
A dive? Simulation? There he is, minding his own business retrieving a ball from the net and he does not have time to actually see the goalie coming towards him, far less think about a dive/over reaction ! No chance on earth does he have thinking time to consider making a meal of something, he has been flattened out of the blue
Also, check the nonchalant manner of the goalie after it.....he knows.....but he trying too hard to carry on as nothing has happened...