Another one of those things only I see...


The avuncular one
Okay, admission at the start - I hate it when this happens. Its like the gods of football having a little laugh at the referees expense.

Game today, home team concede a corner kick. I am standing near post side and as the ball comes across from the corner the best positioned attacker is in a sandwich with a defender in front and behind running to the near post for the header. The mass of players in front of me opens at a great moment and I have a clear view of the behind defender two handed shoving the attacker in the back as he jumps, pushing him into the other defender and the ball ping pongs between them.

I give the penalty, even though I am reliably informed by the defender "you cannot give a penalty if nobody asks for it!".

I am left thinking to myself - either a) somebody else see it please or b) I don't want to see it either!


After the game a home team player (quite politely) asks me "if nobody else saw it ref, how can it be a penalty?". I saw it mate, nobody else matters. :)
A&H International
My 'only I saw it moment' was a few years back, 2 lads go up for a header and on way down one tries to punch opponent on landing (he missed).

I'm five yards away, clear as day. Red Card shown before I've even finished 'You know what you've done, that's for the punch'.

I copped 20 minutes of turd from players on the pitch, till at FT their manager (who had stayed completely silent) comes and says 'I saw it too mate, no worries!'

Similar one today. Standing on post after corner, defender hugging the attacker as he moves for the ball. He can't move - I give penalty and it's the decisive cup tie moment. Even worse, defender keeps on mouthing, I blow whistle to call him over and attacker decides to take the penalty (he's place ball but I was nowhere near right position nor anyone else) - naturally he misses. Penalty retaken and guess what - he scores.
U/18 match. FK just outside the PA, off to the side. I'm on the other side (me -> wall -> ball -> AR), and as the ball's coming over there's an attacker at the back, and a defender clearly fouls him (holding or pushing). Everybody is watching the ball, so I'm the only one who saw it. PK, think there may have been a booking, then there was a brawl after the goal (actual punches thrown). Overall I handled the game pretty badly. Sent a few spectators off, should've sent some more off, handled the brawl badly, but oh well. You try to learn for next time.

"you cannot give a penalty if nobody asks for it!" - Genius :)
Not surprising. A few referees on here have said the same thing!!!