An ode to Match Incidents


RefChat Addict
Dear Match Incidents and those that use you,

I'm struggling to come down off the ceiling after that oh so glorious email at 2:46pm today, but I feel like I owe an ounce of gratitude to this forum and those of you that have used it.

This forum has given me so many topics to consider that have then happened in my matches at a later date and I've already had the answer in my head for when I needed it! This has doubtlessly led me to what I got today, so thanks.

To those who are new here, stick around! It'll improve your refereeing. To those that are veterans then keep passing on your advice to everyone.

I've put this in here because I want as many people to read my gratitude and my encouragement that everyone uses this resource we have here.

Keep on reffing and posting guys and well done to the other successful candidates - now go train for your fitness test!

Thanks again everyone!

A&H International
Top post Darius. Agree completely.
Having such an informed membership with so many levels of experience (and opinion :D ) can only be a good thing.
This forum continues to grow and long may it carry on doing so.

Congrats on your promotion to 4 this season by the way. :)