The Ref Stop

AC Milan v Juventus handball

Under the current handball law that is an offence. His arms are out, it hasn't deflected off his body, so the expectation is that it is a handling offence.
I beg to differ. Even if believe what the law says means "arm being out", it is usually an offence not always. It is not criteria, just a consideration. I do agree with your second paragraph though.

Something else no one discussed, even if you believe this is a deliberate handball, was it a clear and obvious error by the referee for it to be reviewed? Given the debate here, i'd say obviously its not obvious.
The Ref Stop
Why do some knobs who have never played the game or understand biology get to rule the roost. Thats just not a deliberate handball in any sense.
Its no wonder we suffer with the verbal abuse we do having to rule HB for that!!!
He knows a shot attempt is coming through if he doesn't get that header - it's Ronaldo for freckles' sake. So once he does miss, he lets the goalside arm flail way more than is natural. It's totally unnecessary and unrelated to his previous body movement.

Easy PK and caution, don't mind whether it's called under deliberate or under accidental-unnatural.

Maybe at social grade you let this go, maybe at local level you have a word for them to be very careful, but at pro level the player knows exactly what he's doing here, and the referee hasn't fallen for it.

With all due respect, what utter nonsense.
You can't have ever jumped for a header in your life.

This was a DISGUSTING decision!
Never a penalty.

What i worry about is the ref watched this back on the monitor and still got it wrong.

Makes me wonder.

Two things are interesting about that.

Assuming (?!) that PL is using the same standard, the VAR only sends down if the VAR thinks it was a clear error. And the R only reversed if he decides the initial call was a clear error. So (at least in theory) I’d the R thinks, huh, no call might have been better, that isn’t enough to reverse—he has to be convinced he made a clear error on the initial call.
With all due respect, what utter nonsense.
You can't have ever jumped for a header in your life.

This was a DISGUSTING decision!
I've gone for plenty enough to know flailing like an idiot isn't natural unless you've been trained into it.
So at best you've got someone choosing to learn to do it wrong, which if it isn't deliberate comes so close as to be a pointless distinction.
That is going to be given all day long. For those saying “Never a handball!” I have sympathy with your argument. But led me add something to it - Never a handball IN THE UK.

In Europe and much of the rest of the world that is a nailed on cert. Another user posted similar about the Liverpool penalty in the Champions League final, saying much the same thing about that. It is simply expected to be given as a handball.

Caution however is harsh there though.
That is going to be given all day long. For those saying “Never a handball!” I have sympathy with your argument. But led me add something to it - Never a handball IN THE UK.

In Europe and much of the rest of the world that is a nailed on cert. Another user posted similar about the Liverpool penalty in the Champions League final, saying much the same thing about that. It is simply expected to be given as a handball.

Caution however is harsh there though.
Stops a shot on target. Think you'll always see a caution there.
That is going to be given all day long. For those saying “Never a handball!” I have sympathy with your argument. But led me add something to it - Never a handball IN THE UK.

In Europe and much of the rest of the world that is a nailed on cert. Another user posted similar about the Liverpool penalty in the Champions League final, saying much the same thing about that. It is simply expected to be given as a handball.

Caution however is harsh there though.
Correct with high degree of corectness
The difference in how the Law is applied is b0ll0cks