The Ref Stop



Supply League Observer
Staff member
A list of the standard abbreviations used on the forum. Please add to as new ones are discovered.

DOGSO - Denial of Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity
OFFINABUS - Offensive, Insulting or Abusive language or behaviour
Walking a player - sending them off
IMO - In My Opinion
CFA - County Football Association
CAR/NAR - Club/Neutral Assistant Referee
USB - Unsporting Behaviour
FOP - Field of Play
OP - Opening Post
IDFK/DFK Indirect/Direct Free Kick
AFAIK As Far As I Know
IMHO In My Honest Opinion
SFP - Serious Foul Play
VC - Violent Conduct
USB Unsporting Behaviour
GC Goal Celebration
RP Reckless Play
SP Pushing/Pulling
UB Unspecified Behaviour
AA Adopting an Aggressive Attitude
DP Dangerous Play
DI Simulation/Diving
FT Foul Tackle
HB Handball
TR Tripping

PGMOL - Professional Game Match Officials Limited
RDO - Referee Development Officer
CTO - County Training Officer
CFA - County Football Association
The Ref Stop
PIADM Playing In A Dangerous Manner
KFTPM Kicks From the Penalty Mark (Specifically Law 10)
SG1 Senior Group 1 Officials (Prem)
SG2 Senior Group 2 Officials (Championship)
SPA Stopping a Promising Attack
Not an abbreviation but 'cutting the grass' should be added somehow, took me a while to figure out what it was at first.
PK Penalty kick
YMMV Your milage may vary - others may have a different opinion
DOGSO-H Handling offence to deny an obvious goalscoring opportunity
AR1 First assistant referee
AR2 Second assistant referee
A list of the standard abbreviations used on the forum. Please add to as new ones are discovered.

DOGSO - Denial of Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity
OFFINABUS - Offensive, Insulting or Abusive language or behaviour
Walking a player - sending them off
IMO - In My Opinion
CFA - County Football Association
CAR/NAR - Club/Neutral Assistant Referee
USB - Unsporting Behaviour
FOP - Field of Play
OP - Opening Post
IDFK/DFK Indirect/Direct Free Kick
AFAIK As Far As I Know
IMHO In My Honest Opinion
SFP - Serious Foul Play
VC - Violent Conduct
USB Unsporting Behaviour
GC Goal Celebration
RP Reckless Play
SP Pushing/Pulling
UB Unspecified Behaviour
AA Adopting an Aggressive Attitude
DP Dangerous Play
DI Simulation/Diving
FT Foul Tackle
HB Handball
TR Tripping

PGMOL - Professional Game Match Officials Limited
RDO - Referee Development Officer
CTO - County Training Officer
CFA - County Football Association

Do you use all the abbreviations in your reports or write them out there? In The Netherlands we don't use a lot of abbreviations, maybe just he assessors using H (home team) or A (away team).
The only abbreviation I use consistently is team names (one or two letters) to refer to players. E.g MU10. The rest depends on the experience of the referee.

For the newer referees I only use the very common ones and first use of it always has the full term e.g. CK (Corner Kick).
Picked these up from an old forum (very old). Obviously some don't apply anymore and some of the new terms are not there.

APO: Advantage Play On
AR: Assistant Referee
AR1: Assistant Referee 1
AR2: Assistant Referee 2
ATR: Advice to Referees (on the Laws of the Game)
CA: Corner Arc
CC: Centre Circle
CF: Corner Flagpost
CK: Corner Kick
CM: Centre Mark
CR: Centre Referee
CRUEF: Careless Reckless Using Excessive Force
DB: Dropped Ball
DFK: Direct Free Kick
DOGSO: Denying Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity
DOGSO-H: Denying an Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity by Handling
DP: dangerous play
DR or DTROP: Delays the Restart (of play)
DS: diagonal system of play
ETFOP: Entering The Field Of Play
FIFA: Federation Internationale de Football Association
FK: Free Kick
FO: Fourth Official
FOP: Field Of play
FRD: Failure to Respect (required) Distance
FT: Full Time
GA: Goal Area
GK: Goal Keeper
GK: Goal Kick
GL: Goal Line
HL: Halfway Line
HT: Half Time
IFAB: International Football Association Board
IFK: Indirect Free Kick
IMHO: In My Honest Opinion
INDFK: Indirect Free Kick
ITOOTR: In The Opinion Of The Referee
K: Keeper (Goalkeeper)
KO: Kick off
LAR: lead assistant referee
LOTG: Laws Of The Game
OFC: organisation representing the soccer region including New Zealand and South Pacific island nations; acronym stands for Oceania Football Conference; based in Auckland, New Zealand
OFFINABUS: OFFensive INsulting or ABUsive language and/or gestures
OGSO: Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity
OI: outside interference
OIAL: offensive, insulting, or abusive language
OS: OffSide
OSP: OffSide Position
PA: Penalty Area
PI: Persistent Infringements
PIADM - playing in a dangerous manner
PIL: persistent infringement of the laws
PIOP: Player in Offside Position
PK: Penalty Kick
PM: Penalty Mark
Q&A:questions and answers book published by IFAB to supplement LOTG
RA: Referees' Association
RC: Red Card
Red Back ( Spider ): Red Card.
SCO: Second Cautionable Offence
SFP: Serious Foul Play
SO: Send Off
SOTG: Spirit Of The Game
SOTL: Spirit Of The Law
SUB: Substitute!
TA: Technical Area
TI: Throw-In
TL: Touch Line
TLOTG: the laws of the game
TRIAR: acronym for "the referee is always right"
USB: UnSporting Behaviour
VC: Violent Conduct
WADR: with all due respect
WOTRP: With Out the Referee's Permission
YC: Yellow Card
Yellow Canary : Yellow Card.
YHTBT(M): You Had To Be There (Moment)
2C: Second Caution
Picked these up from an old forum (very old). Obviously some don't apply anymore and some of the new terms are not there.

APO: Advantage Play On
AR: Assistant Referee
AR1: Assistant Referee 1
AR2: Assistant Referee 2
ATR: Advice to Referees (on the Laws of the Game)
CA: Corner Arc
CC: Centre Circle
CF: Corner Flagpost
CK: Corner Kick
CM: Centre Mark
CR: Centre Referee
CRUEF: Careless Reckless Using Excessive Force
DB: Dropped Ball
DFK: Direct Free Kick
DOGSO: Denying Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity
DOGSO-H: Denying an Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity by Handling
DP: dangerous play
DR or DTROP: Delays the Restart (of play)
DS: diagonal system of play
ETFOP: Entering The Field Of Play
FIFA: Federation Internationale de Football Association
FK: Free Kick
FO: Fourth Official
FOP: Field Of play
FRD: Failure to Respect (required) Distance
FT: Full Time
GA: Goal Area
GK: Goal Keeper
GK: Goal Kick
GL: Goal Line
HL: Halfway Line
HT: Half Time
IFAB: International Football Association Board
IFK: Indirect Free Kick
IMHO: In My Honest Opinion
INDFK: Indirect Free Kick
ITOOTR: In The Opinion Of The Referee
K: Keeper (Goalkeeper)
KO: Kick off
LAR: lead assistant referee
LOTG: Laws Of The Game
OFC: organisation representing the soccer region including New Zealand and South Pacific island nations; acronym stands for Oceania Football Conference; based in Auckland, New Zealand
OFFINABUS: OFFensive INsulting or ABUsive language and/or gestures
OGSO: Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity
OI: outside interference
OIAL: offensive, insulting, or abusive language
OS: OffSide
OSP: OffSide Position
PA: Penalty Area
PI: Persistent Infringements
PIADM - playing in a dangerous manner
PIL: persistent infringement of the laws
PIOP: Player in Offside Position
PK: Penalty Kick
PM: Penalty Mark
Q&A:questions and answers book published by IFAB to supplement LOTG
RA: Referees' Association
RC: Red Card
Red Back ( Spider ): Red Card.
SCO: Second Cautionable Offence
SFP: Serious Foul Play
SO: Send Off
SOTG: Spirit Of The Game
SOTL: Spirit Of The Law
SUB: Substitute!
TA: Technical Area
TI: Throw-In
TL: Touch Line
TLOTG: the laws of the game
TRIAR: acronym for "the referee is always right"
USB: UnSporting Behaviour
VC: Violent Conduct
WADR: with all due respect
WOTRP: With Out the Referee's Permission
YC: Yellow Card
Yellow Canary : Yellow Card.
YHTBT(M): You Had To Be There (Moment)
2C: Second Caution
Thanks for clarifying, especially because I thought CREUF was an evasive 180 degree drag back
CREF is an alternate version of "Careless, Reckless, Excessive Force". Tends to be more common on this side of the pond.
IFK is an alternate version of "Indirect Free Kick" (same number of letters as "DFK", and again, more common over here it seems).