Theres has to be a level where football becomes acceptable, and that level is not zero risk. If that's what we are looking for then we wont get any football until theres a vaccine and that seems absurd. Theres has to be a number, based on probability, where we say ok, it's safe to play again. Let's say that following scientific research done by the FA, that chances of being infected by coronavirus are 5% (arbitrary number). Do we accept that? Because if we dont then we dont have football until we have a vaccine, and we may not have a vaccine for years if ever.
Somebody has to sign off a return to low level sports and therefore there needs to be science behind it. But ultimately, there needs to be an acceptance of a reasonable risk, otherwise there is no football.
I know they're different, but theres a risk of influenza being passed on ever Winter during every game of football. Public health England estimate that its 17,000 people who die here every year. Now if we get the Covid-19 rate down to 17,000 a year, which is definitely achievable in the near future based on how the rates across the EU are dropping, do we say that its sufficiently safe to allow football? Again, inexact science and packet fag numbers, but it does show that we need to accept some risk if we want football back.