The Ref Stop

2019 L3 promotion

The Ref Stop
Were you in receipt of your bandings?
Not yet. I'll be surprised if I wasn't A for observers, given what I finished with and where I was in October and December. And I'd been B for clubs on at those stages too. Club marks don't necessarily go up when observer marks do, but I didn't have anything contentious to really harm them.
Not yet. I'll be surprised if I wasn't A for observers, given what I finished with and where I was in October and December. And I'd been B for clubs on at those stages too. Club marks don't necessarily go up when observer marks do, but I didn't have anything contentious to really harm them.

Not sure how many are on your supply league/pool but as I’ve alluded to previously, AB on a pool of 100 can mean 20th observers and nearer to 40th for clubs. Suddenly 20/40 doesn’t sound promotion worthy.

I do previously know of an individual who finished 4th out of around 100 on a supply league but wasn’t taken due to being at the bottom of B for clubs however the year before 1st was enough with C for clubs.
Around 45 on my supply league. Based on previous bandings and talking to others, I'd estimate I was around 6th for observers, and hopefully no worse than 10-12 for clubs.
I wish they'd just publish a list and release bandings at the same time. Would reduce the frustration caused by the unknown...
It must get impossible to referee to one's own agenda; subconsciously refereeing everyone else's demands
On the occasions that i watch Supply League games, the referees are clearly obeying the same mould to the point that individual talent is dulled
Not sure i'm that envious, looking up from below
Congratulations everyone who made it. To everyone that didn't we go again.
No letter for me :(

Was AA to end December but had one less good Observation (a 73) which pulled my final average down to 74.6 . So expecting to have finished BA or maybe BB.

New season has started solidly. Three middles with both clubs happy and one Observation at a similar mark to the above. Would slag off that Observer but given that he's active on here probably best not ;)

Onwards and upwards ........
No letter for me :(

Was AA to end December but had one less good Observation (a 73) which pulled my final average down to 74.6 . So expecting to have finished BA or maybe BB.

New season has started solidly. Three middles with both clubs happy and one Observation at a similar mark to the above. Would slag off that Observer but given that he's active on here probably best not ;)

Onwards and upwards ........
I'm in two pools this season. Finished A C in the pool I was in from Jan with 2 observations.
Expecting to have Finished C and D in my old pool..
Hoping I have a good season. Had a tricky start to this one with clubs but no observations yet so hopefully plenty of time to recover.
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It must get impossible to referee to one's own agenda; subconsciously refereeing everyone else's demands
On the occasions that i watch Supply League games, the referees are clearly obeying the same mould to the point that individual talent is dulled
Not sure i'm that envious, looking up from below

Can't afford to lose that .25 of a mark from the observer that takes you lower down or out of band A.
Can't afford to upset the clubs when no observer is present by being over officious. AE is useless.
I’d of danced the games but I’m sure I’d of been on the naughty step with the £@?s in the stand.
Around 45 on my supply league. Based on previous bandings and talking to others, I'd estimate I was around 6th for observers, and hopefully no worse than 10-12 for clubs.
I wish they'd just publish a list and release bandings at the same time. Would reduce the frustration caused by the unknown...

6th isn't high enough unfortunately, you are realistically looking at needing to come in the top two or three on observer marks to stand a chance.
6th isn't high enough unfortunately, you are realistically looking at needing to come in the top two or three on observer marks to stand a chance.

If you are 4/5th you might stand a chance with a position at the top of club marks.

The last two years, there have been more AB and even AC’s go up.
Emphasis seems to have shifted towards top of observers within reason.
Well it is not me, as you are too far south. There are a couple of here who know I don't give out free marks, so some referees up here think the same of me.
Same here. Don't give out freebies. Marks have to be earned and if you don't do what you are supposed to, then you have to learn to deal with the outcome.

I used to say to referees at L4, don't exhibit any "style" until L3. Now I say, don't exhibit any at all; just do the job right.