Saudi Arabia Team!

A&H International
quite apt considering the discussions on the other thread. Not sure i responded to that as i never thought a team would object to doing one so there'd never be an issue...clearly i was wrong!

i'd like to know their reasons for not observing the silence however i'm struggling to think of a reason would stop me thinking that it's a disgusting act.
There is not a lot as referee you can do here other than report the incident to the relevant body.

I suppose 1% could claim that they DID respect a moments silence, they just did not all link arms/stand at the centre circle?
Again with the benches "we" consider standing up and being silent to be the done thing, however, you can observe a minutes silence from a seated postion

If the Saudi culture was not to observe it as its not how "they" do things, then, maybe they should have factored in that women would be present at this match, whereas in Saudi it is (or was) not permitted for females to attend football matches. Certainly seems like moving the goalposts and picking and choosing which instruction to follow

it looks horrible though, and sadly, unless authorities/FIFA make a stand (if they think there is a stand to make) then it could set a precedent over what countries follow what rituals/instructions etc.
Piety and double standards- did we hold a minutes silence for the victims of Kabul? I think I missed that observation in the Mail's peice

It seems we get indignant and holier than when first world citizens are mown down, however 90 innocent Muslims get no mention.

Politics and football should never mix. Yes we can wear armbands, have our minutes silence etc but we shouldn't get all superior when others don't support our views- because we don't reciprocate nearly enough.
Piety and double standards- did we hold a minutes silence for the victims of Kabul?
Get your point, but it's not the same though, as this is not about organizing a minute of silence, but about taking part in a minute of silence organized by your opponent.

You could talk about double standards if there would be no outrage (?) in case Australian players would refuse (Did the Saudis really refuse though? Has this been confirmed?) to observe the silence in Saudi Arabia (or let's say, in Iran).
As with others, all the ref can do is report it. I'd love to hear from Saudi what the reasoning hear was.

EDIT: a few articles are suggesting that the predominant branch of Islam in SA doesn't permit honouring the dead - and being on an international stage the players would have had to show adherence to their religion in the absence of permission from their government to act otherwise.

Well, if so, then nobody could really criticise that.

As with others - I'm failing to see the double standard here.
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a few articles are suggesting that the predominant branch of Islam in SA doesn't permit honouring the dead

Politics and football should never mix.

Actually, Politics AND Religion and Football should never mix. The SA team would have been better either not entering, or withdrawing from the FOP whilst the minutes silence was held. How do you think the crowd would react if a handful of spectators _blatantly_ ignored a minutes silence? A bunch of prima donna footballers on the pitch that think common decency doesn't apply to them?
As it stands, the SA team mostly just stood there in silence anyway. So they respected it, just without participating in the ceremony of standing around the centre circle.
Just out of interest, if you as a referee report it then what can be done? I am not saying dont report it but i am guessing that it would achieve diddly squat. It is after all a persons right to observe or not observe and no league or FA could dispute that.
It's a personal choice and shouldn't be imposed on anyone. I am sure there are millions of people who didn't observe it earlier in the week and nothing is being said. When the home nations wanted to wear poppies they were told they couldn't etc etc etc this is just to stoke anti Islamic views further. I don't know who was playing in the match against Barcelona or what the observance of the minutes silence was or the religious beliefs of those playing...NOR do I care. It's not about football nor was the story it was about politics and religion. Personally I don't think we as supposedly impartial enforcers of the LOTG should be commenting on it, as we express views which could if it happens in our leagues lead to disciplinary sanctions. So let's the end the convo and move on!
Apology of sorts from SA


It's interesting that they are saying they told Australian officials beforehand that's what they would do.

As we would very very rarely come across a situation where one team says they won't observe a minute's slience, what would people do if one team refused to observe a silence?
Just out of interest, if you as a referee report it then what can be done? I am not saying dont report it but i am guessing that it would achieve diddly squat. It is after all a persons right to observe or not observe and no league or .FA could dispute that.

agreed not much would come of it, but, if someone/some team refuse to comply with an instruction from the governing body then as referee its your duty to advise governing body of such. if the game is played under the auspices of FIFA then, as player/official, you are agreeing to abide by FIFA instruction. Any deviance to this gets fed back to FIFA. It could in theory mean a change or addition to the LOTG, something like, "where instructed by FIFA, XXXXXX, if a mark of respect is instructed then all teams and officials must abide by this instruction".
Really extreme that it would come to this, and more likely as above, these marks of respect will end up being scraped and left to the individual to wear an armband.
agreed not much would come of it, but, if someone/some team refuse to comply with an instruction from the governing body then as referee its your duty to advise governing body of such. if the game is played under the auspices of FIFA then, as player/official, you are agreeing to abide by FIFA instruction. Any deviance to this gets fed back to FIFA. It could in theory mean a change or addition to the LOTG, something like, "where instructed by FIFA, XXXXXX, if a mark of respect is instructed then all teams and officials must abide by this instruction".
Really extreme that it would come to this, and more likely as above, these marks of respect will end up being scraped and left to the individual to wear an armband.

But FIFA would never do such a thing, they could never enforce a player or group of players to partake in any form of silence/remembrance. Likewise if you as a referee chose not to take part then that to is your personal choice and FIFA, FA, County, nobody could do anything about it.
Saudi regime do a lot worse than this. They'd be a terrorist state if they didn't have so much $$$$
There is a subtle difference between non-participation in a respect gesture and disrespect. What the SA's did was the former not the latter.
UK lecturing other countries on links with alleged terrorists is a bit rich....

Just as there are talks between the Devil and the DUP..:eek: