Open Age Chistian League Division 1 red card

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Yellow vs Red

Hi everyone sub comes on in the 50th minute in the 84th minute.

He shoutes in an aggressive manner your crap referee now I knew straight away what card the referee was going to give before he even showed it.

Now we was debating whether it should of been a yellow instead of a red but I have said it should of been a red as to the referee it was abusive

What does everyone
A&H International
That's what we came to think after game I went with red at time but thought red might been harsh
On the harsh side for me, but then again if they player hadn't said anything he wouldn't have seen a card of any colour, let alone red.
When considering the difference between dissent and foul and abusive language, it's important to consider what they say, of its a personally directed insult or frustration in general etc, but also consider how provocative the player is being, the manner in which he's said it etc. as well.

It depends what your tolerance is, and what standard you set for the players. I'd be leaning towards a yellow and some very stern words, as they're questioning your ability to officiate (and therefore undermining it with dissent) rather than personally attempting insult or abuse you.

Edit: if this Christian league is the one I'm thinking about, then I understand the league secretary wants referees to clamp down on foul and abusive language, as some of the teams are rampant with it. Maybe it's worth considering the league image (which prides itself on fair play) and your other colleagues when thinking about this incident.
As you improve as a ref and get more experience you'll start to call the cards out on TV too, obviously you can't hear the verbal ones but you'll learn to get most of the foul and really dirty fouls ones as yellows or reds!!
May I put a slightly different view point to this. Based on personal experience Christian Leagues are played in a highly sporting manner. Therefore the word 'Crap' is actually a red as in these games it's not in the spirit. Similar to kids football if you will. At what end of the threshold of their vulgar vocabulary must surely play a part.

However in your normal OA Football 'crap' would be considered as slightly more offensive as div and a bit more than bloody hell! So yellow is correct.

Every game is different....as is OFFINABUS.
Ive refereed in a 'Church ran League' on saturdays and the players are exactly the same, no difference. No special privileges or expectation of saintly play. 'You're Crap' would certainly be yellow, if he adds the 'F' words in there somewhere then my Red Card radar is being tweaked!!! He can go and do a few Hail Marys for all I care in his spare time!!
We deliberated after the match like should of it been red where the referee stuck or should of it been yellow the referee now thinks it should of been just a yellow he now thinks that but now believes what done is done
Maybe it's just my experience. I think I heard one player swear mildly. Cracked a joke about it being blasphemous - which he loved.