80 minute game?

Have you ever shortened a game before or during the match?

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Level 6 Referee
Was at my looking recreation ground again last night watching my local village team. Only a reserve team battle but one that the locals cared about as if they won they would go back to second. A good 60-70 people turned out which is good considering the level of football (level 11 I think). Anyway, the kick off time was some what disputed with the light becoming a desperate issue. For this reason the ref decided that only 40 minute halfs could be played and that's what was agreed. It got me thinking about whether this is actually allowed to happen in adult football that's technically on the non league pyramid even if very very low. For anyone who is interested home team easily won after the away team was reduced to ten after centre back swore at the ref apparently.
A&H International
Yes this is within the LOTG, as long as it's agreed before the game and both halves are of an equal length. You can't just change your mind midway through. I believe without having my book to hand you can go right down to 35 minute EW. It'll be law 7 - duration of game if you want to have a look.
This is probably more common that you might expect. It hasn't happened to me personally but I know of a number of occasions here in Scotland where midweek matches are shortened in anticipation of darkness. Aside from LOTG there will probably be some local guidelines as to whether it is acceptable and if so what the procedure is.
As a ref do you have to declare this happens to the league or is it the Club's job?
I think the only real time you'll ever need to do it would be if 1 or both teams caused a late kick off which you should be reporting anyway. The leagues only schedule games once there is enough light so you would generally assume kicking off at the correct time there will be sufficient light I would have thought.
I think the only real time you'll ever need to do it would be if 1 or both teams caused a late kick off which you should be reporting anyway. The leagues only schedule games once there is enough light so you would generally assume kicking off at the correct time there will be sufficient light I would have thought.
I think leagues can sometimes be a little optimistic with their timing on this front - plus they don't always take account of of the fact that borderline weather can cover up what little sun there is.
Haven't ever had cause to, but you certainly can if at the outset you know you won't get the whole game(equal halves and a half time break).

I would clear it with both managers and captains - make it look like you are consulting them.

The competition rules will determine the shortest possible half length. You don't want to plump for 35 when the competition rules won't accept matches less than 40.

Cup games where extra time might be needed are most likely types of games where this could occur
I shortened one this week it was a 18:45 kick off, which was far too late for this week. Spoke to both managers then reminded the captain's at kick off. I was also assessed for this game and my assessor notes in my report that it was a good thing
I shortened 5 minutes of extra time to 2 minutes once, we'd had a disputed re-take of a penalty in the 89th minute and tempers were raised, 3 minutes of the worst run of fouls i have ever seen.It was mayhem. I had to stop it before someone got seriously hurt!!! Cue getting surrounded by the losing team!!! :(.**** em..
The competition rules will determine the shortest possible half length. You don't want to plump for 35 when the competition rules won't accept matches less than 40.

Absolutely right, you need to know the competition rules for this. I know one league near me which allows a minimum of 80 minutes for league matches, but cup matches must be 90 minutes.
Absolutely right, you need to know the competition rules for this. I know one league near me which allows a minimum of 80 minutes for league matches, but cup matches must be 90 minutes.
If you were to have a cup game In an evening and it must be 90, if circumstances became that the light became dangerously low (long stoppage in game or likewise) would you have to abonden the game or play it out?
If it becomes dangerous you always have to abandon. The league officials would have to decide whether they allow any result to stand or request a replay, but that's not really our concern. We just have to ensure we stick to the rules and maintain safety.
Very much down to competition rules. The standard adult code of rules (SCoR), which has to be adopted by all leagues, states ...

Within the National League System (“NLS”) all matches shall have a duration of 90 minutes. All matches outside of the NLS shall have duration of 90 minutes unless a shorter time (not less than sixty (60) minutes) is mutually arranged by the two Clubs in consultation with the referee prior to the commencement of the match, and in any event shall be of equal halves. Two matches involving the same two teams can be played on the same day providing the total playing time is not more than 120 minutes

So unless the game is in the NLS (details here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_League_System) the referee and both clubs can agree to shortening the game, as long as this is agreed before the game commences and the two halves remain equal. If any one club, or the referee, doesn't agree then it stays as 90 minutes. If this means the game doesn't finish then the referee would need to report the facts to the competition, especially if one club's refusal ultimately caused the game to be abandoned.
My old mucker Sundial was reprimanded and banned for a short time for shortening a game a few years ago I seem to remember. One team agreed and one team didn't, he shortened it, they appealed, and the game was replayed!!!!
had a late kick off (6-15) last week midweek, and played a full 45 (plus added) each half, as both teams wanted a full match. Fair do's as the agreement was to spin it round immediately at half time rather than go back in for their customary break - someone did run in and grab a quick drink for us all though.
Oh I completely forgot about that. Looks like some revision of law 7 is needed
Why would a revision be needed? It covers exactly this situation, clearly and unambiguously.

Edit: Oops, looking at this again, I can see you probably mean that you need to revise Law 7, not that it needs to be revised. If so, my apologies.

Incidentally, the Law does not specify any minimum length (though as several replies have pointed out, competition rules often do).
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had a late kick off (6-15) last week midweek, and played a full 45 (plus added) each half, as both teams wanted a full match. Fair do's as the agreement was to spin it round immediately at half time rather than go back in for their customary break - someone did run in and grab a quick drink for us all though.
Now this is a part of Law 7 that may well need amending. It says the half time interval can only be changed with the referee's permission but doesn't require that both teams agree which I rather feel it should, especially when it starts out by saying that the players are entitled to an interval.