Now it's going to be an expensive weekend......


Now had confirmation Sunday's match is now definately postponed....... so the wife says we can go shopping in Preston on Saturday and "pop" into Manchester on Sunday.......... oh ffs....
A&H International
Just admit you're on strike:ninja:
Me go on strike never....... actually i might start something here but IMO i personally would not go on strike... don't see the point.... i always thought we referees are more intelligent than that... rise above adversity and all that.... the best course of action would be to boycott the teams that the violence perpetrates (posh that innit) from, or at least in most serious cases expel said player from ever playing football in any league again. Give all players a football licence, then take it away from them when they are naughty.... and also put points on it when sanctioned and when they reach so many points they get banned. I HEREBY COPYRIGHT THIS IDEA.... so don't anybody go nicking it.
Me go on strike never....... actually i might start something here but IMO i personally would not go on strike... don't see the point.... i always thought we referees are more intelligent than that... rise above adversity and all that.... the best course of action would be to boycott the teams that the violence perpetrates (posh that innit) from, or at least in most serious cases expel said player from ever playing football in any league again. Give all players a football licence, then take it away from them when they are naughty.... and also put points on it when sanctioned and when they reach so many points they get banned. I HEREBY COPYRIGHT THIS IDEA.... so don't anybody go nicking it.
I am in the no strike camp. It just happens that I am unavailable this weekend. I even put disclaimers on my date closing emails that i was not participating in the strike. I hope the weather literally rains on that parade.
Is it really that bad up in the North West. I lived there for 10 years and saw hardly any rain at all!!!!!!!!!
We had a lot of rain yesterday. And following the two storms I assume alot of pitches wont cope. Theres also still not much greenery blooming yet so the trees on the parks are also not taking much water out I dont think.
Is it really that bad up in the North West. I lived there for 10 years and saw hardly any rain at all!!!!!!!!!
You must have been here on a 10 year drought, its been bloody awful with the bad weather coming over from the Atlantic and dropping its guts here, but i think the local councils s*** themselves and instigate a blanket ban on all their pitches when i know for a fact the one round the corner from me which i was due to ref on tomorrow is ok.

Last week all football was cancelled 0nly 4 games out of 36 games was played and that was only because they were 3G