misconduct - notifying the club

Kent Ref

RefChat Addict
I've heard (via 2 colleagues) that if you are reporting a club / individual / player for misconduct you have to tell them they are being reported before you leave the venue. One (a colleague) was asked why he had not told them (the club / manager) he was reporting them.

Is this myth or true?

If so when i have an angry manager threatening me from the other side of the field after full-time i have to go up to him and tell him "i'm reporting you". This is ridiculous. I'm sure this will go down well and lead me into a worse situation.
A&H International
Depends on the level really. At senior levels, so probably step 7 and above, the referee has to fill in a match report from after the game, this is carbonated and a copy is handed to both teams (often referred to as the "crime sheet"). This has a section on there for misconduct and breaches of league rules, so you wouldn't be able to report anything to the league of FA that wasn't on the copy of the form that you gave to the club.

At grass roots you invariably won't have this, and there is no requirement to tell a club or player that they are being reported. I think ideally you should, but there will be situations that doing so is going to bring you into conflict so is probably best avoided.
Agree with Rusty, you should tell them - there's no need to be secretive just to avoid the conversation but if you genuinely feel it would cause more issues at the time then you do it later by email to the club secretary.

What I would never do is just stick the report in, and not let anyone at the club know beforehand.
Yeah, I think Rusty's got it right - it's good practice to do it where possible, but there may on rare occasions be times where this isn't a safe option.

Obviously this doesn't apply to on-field offenses, you don't want to be submitting red/yellow cards that you didn't actually show.
I had one last season. A father and son, both non-playing manager and assistant of the home club, both committed violent acts against away team players after the game. (I still have no idea where it came from even though I was standing near all the players at the time!). I asked the away manager to come into my dressing room along with the home duo so I had a witness to them being informed of the impending misconduct report. Obviously, he was also asked in for me to hide behind if it all kicked off! It wasn't pleasant but at least they were informed.
Agree with Rusty, you should tell them - there's no need to be secretive just to avoid the conversation but if you genuinely feel it would cause more issues at the time then you do it later by email to the club secretary.

What I would never do is just stick the report in, and not let anyone at the club know beforehand.

They'll know when the charge drops on the doormat.
I'm not the one that's been a d*ck, I owe the club no extra courtesy
I usually drop it in just after they shout at me that they are reporting me, and respond with yeah that's fine because I'm also reporting you.

Funny how only one report ever gets submitted though