Final Observation

While I agree with you both, it will be nearly 10 months since the last time I had this team, we all know that a lot can change in that time.

The signal I missed last time was when they started kicking off before the match when I asked a couple of players to remove their blue under shirts, the team were wearing yellow.

I have become much stricter on dissent this season, and it makes up 50% of my cautions to date, so I'm confident I will be able to deal with them better should the need arise.
A&H International
The undershirts and shorts is always a crowd pleaser. You were no doubt accused of being busy. They don't like you referring to the laws of the game and asking what other laws shall we ignore today as well. Problem is some refs will overlook undergarments if there is no observer, makes it tougher for refs that tow the official line.
While I agree with you both, it will be nearly 10 months since the last time I had this team, we all know that a lot can change in that time.
As you say, a lot can change in that time. They're probably a completely different team from the last time you had them - junior teams often change all their players over the summer. If you haven't had them since then you may not even recognize any of the players, so you don't want to go in expecting trouble, but rather be prepared to deal with it if / when it happens, as I'm sure you always are.

Your reports suggest that you are dealing with dissent better, since it was mentioned as a development point in the first and not since, and your comment that it makes up 50% of your cautions suggests why this is the case. The mention of the stepped approach in report 3 shows good practise and will help with this.

Even though the first report says that positioning and movement is above the required standard it does say that you needed to get closer to the action when the ball is in the danger areas, and the third one also says "Don't stand and watch play, keep on the move" in the development points. If you get the same area mentioned in development in several reports then you need to focus on that area in particular. All three reports make mention of Positioning and movement to some extent so that looks like the key one. Reading the game and adjusting position accordingly is very important and can help control dissent a lot, since you are less likely to receive dissent if the players see that you are in a credible position to make the decision.

Unfortunately the players don't often get referees who enforce the law relating to under-shirts at this level, so when they do it becomes an issue that needs a firm hand quickly before it escalates. I'm sure you're more prepared than you were the last time you had them.
Good luck.
Another tip is to avoid the centre circle as much as possible, running round it gives some decent angles to get you out wide, and stops you getting involved in the midfield battle
@markref thanks, I think my positioning has improved since my first assessment, but as you say, I know it's something I need to work harder at. I think my biggest issue is not pushing into the penalty area far enough, again I have improved this, but there are the odd occasions when I get caught watching from the edge of the area, when I should be much closer to play. I think part of it is the fear of getting in the way.

@Paul March I do try and avoid the center circle, normally by getting in and out as quickly as possible, I don't know why but running around it never seems to have occurred to me before, but I'll definitely try it in my game tomorrow.