The Ref Stop

getting blackmailed


New Member
Level 7 Referee
so I had a game today right I gave my first ever red card in a under 14s game what happened was is it was the second half and a red player kicked a blue player in the back of the leg with the ball no where near him so I called the player over and shown him the red card for VC

also after the game the manager came over to me and tried to blackmail me not to send the red card in to the Fa or he will report me as he said the other guy elbowed him before his kicked him but I didn't see that all I saw is he kicked him but I said you are welcome to report me as I still am sending it in. I hate getting blackmailed

1st questions the way I explained it is that a red card?

2nd question does any manager has a right to do that?
The Ref Stop
1). If you feel that an act of violent conduct or any other form of misconduct has taken place, deal with it in accordance with the LOTG. You've dealt with it how you saw necessary.

2). No, not to blackmail you. I would personally report this to the respective league in which you were officiating if you deem it necessary. I am all for talking about my decisions in the hope that I can educate. But I certainly won't have anyone dictate to me how this guy has.
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1. Yes
2. No
We can only give what we see.....sounds like you did well.
Report the threat too.
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Managers like that are why I don't do youth football any more.

If the kick is VC it's VC whether there was an elbow before or not. So, what can he possibly report you for? Correctly sending off a player who kicked an opponent? Missing the elbow, like no referee has ever missed something before?

Put the disciplinary report through and tell the league about the manager's behaviour.

Ultimately if that league doesn't deal with that behaviour properly there are plenty of well-run leagues crying out for referees you can go to instead.
The manager's behaviour needs to be reported, but not to the league. Leagues cannot take any disciplinary action whatsoever against clubs for on field behaviour, so all disciplinary reports must go to county.
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Manager sounds like an absolute muppet!

Would love to see the report he submits, if he dared...
The manager's behaviour needs to be reported, but not to the league. Leagues cannot take any disciplinary action whatsoever against clubs for on field behaviour, so all disciplinary reports must go to county.
It depends.

If submitted to the County via a misconduct report, they can deal with it.

I am a Committee member on a mens league in Cornwall and we get reports on things like this. We have a word with the clubs to make them aware and ask them to sort it out from a management level. We can not discipline any individual as that is not in our remit but we can certainly have a word with the clubs. We also send uniformed committee members to games where there have been previous issues.
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The manager's behaviour needs to be reported, but not to the league. Leagues cannot take any disciplinary action whatsoever against clubs for on field behaviour

The youth league I refereed on specifically asked referees to report dubious behaviour by club officials to them. They might not be able to 'take disciplinary action' but they can certainly exclude a club from the league if they want to. In practice they can contact a club and point out the behaviour of the individual concerned which most clubs will act on swiftly.
The youth league I refereed on specifically asked referees to report dubious behaviour by club officials to them. They might not be able to 'take disciplinary action' but they can certainly exclude a club from the league if they want to. In practice they can contact a club and point out the behaviour of the individual concerned which most clubs will act on swiftly.

They can't actually do that, and if the FA / CFA knew about this they would face having their sanction as a league withdrawn.

You can potentially get away with talking to the club, although even that is potentially sub judice and can cause future problems. You absolutely can't kick a team out though until the FA / CFA have heard the case.
They can't actually do that, and if the FA / CFA knew about this they would face having their sanction as a league withdrawn.

You can potentially get away with talking to the club, although even that is potentially sub judice and can cause future problems. You absolutely can't kick a team out though until the FA / CFA have heard the case.

You are correct.
easy way of looking at it ... everything to CFA ... if they feel it is a league issue, then they'll go to the league and say 'sort it'